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About rness

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  1. Amazing :) Thanks a lot for your answers!
  2. Hi, Can you help me for a little script? I have a array and i want add mutli-array, pick random value of each array, and modify a marker position. 1/ Simple array : _array = ["toto","titi",tata"]; 2/ I want auto generate a multi array with addition (_1 _2 and _3) : --> _mutliarray = [["toto_1", "toto_2", "toto_3"],["titi_1", "titi_2", "titi_3"],["tata_1", "tata_2", "tata_3"]]; 3/ And auto select random value form each mutliarray: _result = _mutliarray floor random count _mutliarray; // example return for toto: "toto_1" or "toto_2" or "toto_3" // same with another value: "titi_1" or "titi_2" or "titi_3" and "tata_1", "tata_2", "tata_3" 4/ Change marker position : "toto_1" setMarkerPos getMarkerPos _result_toto; "tata_1" setMarkerPos getMarkerPos _result_tata; "titi_1" setMarkerPos getMarkerPos _result_titi; I think i need something like this? private _array = ["toto","titi",tata"]; { private _current = _array select _x; for "_x" from 0 to 3 do { private _currentElement = _current+"_"+_x; }; private _result = _currentElement select floor random count _currentElement; _current setMarkerPos getMarkerPos _result; } forEach _array; Thanks for your help. Regards
  3. Same problem. I have three arma server on Debian8 64bits, since 2 years, with a lot of players and never one problem. But since yesterday, with one server after apt-get update && apt-get upgrade and a reboot, no voice over net for my players now :( My arma3/config.cfg allow VON and all works before reboot and update. The port are open for UDP and we can connect to the game but no voice. No error message in log file. I have reinstall Arma via steamcmd. I don't know how i can find the problem ? // EDIT PROBLEM IS SOLVE After disable portsentry, fail2ban, flush my iptables and check my hosts.deny, the problem is the same. I try with another server.Arma3Profile and now it's works the voice is come back. On my old server profil i have some strange configuration, i remove this singleVoice=0; soundEnableEAX=1; soundEnableHW=0; volumeCD=5; volumeFX=5; volumeSpeech=5;
  4. Always same problem here with my Linux Debian server 64btis. My mission works well, but i have a problem with convoy AI and the road. 16:19:52 Starting mission: 16:19:52 Mission file: Altis_v3.8 (__cur_mp) 16:19:52 Mission world: Altis 16:19:52 Mission directory: mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\ Can't find real path "a3\map_altis\data\roads\roads.shp": "No such file or directory" I have see in my /arma3/addons/map_altis.pbo/config.bin the link to roads.shp. envTexture = "A3\data_f\env_land_ca.paa"; newRoadsShape = "A3\map_Altis\data\roads\roads.shp"; class OutsideTerrain { satellite = "A3\map_Altis\data\s_satout_co.paa"; enableTerrainSynth = 0; class Layers { class Layer0 { nopx = "A3\Map_Data\gdt_seabed_nopx.paa"; texture = "A3\Map_Data\gdt_seabed_co.paa"; }; }; colorOutside[] = {0.227451,0.27451,0.384314,1}; }; I try to put in lower case, but same error when starting server. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //// EDIT : HOW TO FIX THE ERROR Can't find real path "a3\map_altis\data\roads\roads.shp": "No such file or directory" I have solve this problem, now no error when i start the server. Just edit config.bin inside /addons/map_altis.pbo and give the correct path like this :) (you just need Derapify the file with an arma tools) Replace: newRoadsShape = "A3\map_Altis\data\roads\roads.shp"; By your own full path : newRoadsShape = "\home\arma3\a3\map_altis\data\roads\roads.shp";
  5. Thanks it's works ! You Rocks :)
  6. Hi, I have a little problem when i try to launch my ExilServer with @CBA_A3 [ Release branch from GitHub : CBA_A3 v2.0.0.150817] : A lot of error spam in rpt server side only when i use CBA_A3 12:35:53 "param" <> #1: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value false is used instead. 12:35:53 "param" <> #2: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value false is used instead. 12:35:53 "param" <> #1: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value false is used instead. 12:35:53 "param" <> #2: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value false is used instead. 12:35:53 "param" <> #1: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value false is used instead. 12:35:53 "param" <> #2: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value false is used instead. 12:35:54 "param" <> #1: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value false is used instead. 12:35:54 "param" <> #2: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value false is used instead. 12:35:54 "param" <> #1: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value false is used instead. 12:35:54 "param" <> #2: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value false is used instead. 12:35:54 "param" <> #1: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value false is used instead. 12:35:54 "param" <> #2: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value false is used instead. 12:35:54 "param" <> #1: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value false is used instead. My launch params : -serverMod=@exileserver -mod="@CBA_A3;@exile;@mymod;@ace" I try to desactivate one by one mod and i have this problem only when i use @CBA_A3 My server works fine with all mod and cba_a3... execpt a massive spam in .rpt If someone can tell me how i can debug this :) Thanks
  7. rness

    Blood Mist

    Thanks, you rocks !
  8. rness

    Blood Mist

    @Lao Fei Mao Sorry but the link for download serverkey is down : http://www.armaholic.net/chili/keys/MAO.bikey Someone can give me a correct link for use this mod ? Thanks
  9. EDIT - No problem with your script sorry for this post :) -------------------------------------------------------- Hi, First thanks for your script, i have install this on AltisLife Server. It's works but i have a little problem it's allow only for blue (west) side and not the other group. I have see nothing in IntLight.sqf for fix that, can you tell me if i can set up this for other side ? Thanks Regards