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Posts posted by uajii

  1. So where is this amazing "game" that people kept hyping for 8 years as the competitor to Arma? My quick internet research shows that the company ended in 2020, shortly after David Lagettie bought Microprose brand. As for Microprose so far they have been releasing just budget games from small indie studios. No original content. And there's no evidence they would be using Outerra/TitanIM engine for any new project.

  2. Chernarus+ for A3 won't happen for a number of reasons.

    1) It's not possible to simply copy&paste it. A3 and DayZ are using different engines and it would require additional work to port the map. The people doing this work wouldn't be able to do other work (like making a map for the next Arma).

    2) It isn't finished and it will be worked on probably until DayZ is released. Every time a new update would be released, it would needed to be ported to A3 again.

    3) Performance. Chernarus+ is designed for the new renderer. Density of objects is much higher than on the old Chernarus and all buildings have interiors and furniture. It would run like shit in A3.

    4) The map isn't designed for military AI. DayZ is using completely different AI for zombies and animals. Who knows how AI cars and tanks would behave on this map.

    5) Pricing. If they made it a free DLC, they would spend resources on porting the map and never get anything back from it. Plus it would anger people who bought DayZ ("So people who have Arma 3 can have DayZ map for free, but we can't have Arma 3 maps? This is bullshit!!!").

    If they decided to make it a $5 DLC they would anger people who own both A3 and DayZ ("So I need to buy a map that I already paid for again? Money-grabbing whores!!!!!").

    • Like 3

  3. Most people think next terrain will likely be in Southeast Asia, but allow me to speculate and guess more specific location.


    http://i.imgur.com/0Mfa8sz.jpg (127 kB)

    On this picture we can see a wooden pier with a thatched roof, so we can tell next map will be an island.

    Next we have a lot of rattan furniture.

    http://i.imgur.com/AYlgGsz.jpg (299 kB)

    Everyone knows rattan furniture is made in Indonesia.

    Not conviced, you say? Then look at this:

    http://i.imgur.com/M0WQJrm.jpg (49 kB)

    A traditional teak bench. This design is very typical for Indonesia, specifically Bali.

    Case closed.

  4. In response to BI allowing monetization: it's not wise to specifically allow such freedom which is vulnerable to exploit (see A3L) when we (the community) have already witnessed the lack of needed enforcement against such perpetrators from your part.

    This just opens a big can of worms that have the potential to produce Caiden-like people exponentially.

    It amazes how this community fails to understand such simple things. Bohemia can't pursue legal action on behalf of 3rd party content creators. That's why they changed the monetization rules. Now they can give permision to monetize servers to the server owners who behave correctly and only use content they are allowed to use. If they won't then BI can take away their permission. If the server owners will continue with monetization then BI can pursue legal action because they will be breaking their rules.

  5. So in theory... Tonic, the original author of Altis Life, could state that his mission/scripts are not allowed to be used on any "monetized" server (his license is already for Non Commerical use only).

    He could then setup his own approved server (with his Altis Life code) and charge access to his server, fully within the rules. He is charging for access not content. He now has a monopoly on Altis Life :)

    If others continued to run "monetized" Altis Life servers and were reported, what recourse does BIS have here? Is there a mechanism via Steam to lockout said servers?

    Tonic is gonna make a lot of money!

    He could and there wouldn't be anything wrong with that. Why shouldn't he be allowed to have a monopoly over something he created?

    However I don't think he will get an approval after he wrote he "wants to go on a mass murdering spree in their office".

    Threatening to kill developers definitely isn't in the best interests of the Arma 3 community.
