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About Jertzukka

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  1. I've already added my profile to the list, and I've tried launching it as administrator without any success. i.imgur. com/n0k8Viy.png Also when I use the LPManager while it being in the ARMA3 root folder, nothing happens when I hit "Privilege". EDIT: Ok, I got it working. The solution was to launch steam as a administrator. I think it is because if you launch the arma3.exe from the folder it doesn't include the malloc=tbbmalloc parameter, and if you launch it through steam it doesn't launch as administrator unless steam is launched as administrator, if you get me.
  2. I've tried to follow all the steps, but still getting "SeLockMemoryPrivilege: denied, huge pages disabled" I've put the ddl in the correct folder, and I've set the "Lock Pages in memory" to "Jertzukka" which is both my ARMA 3 profile name and PC profile name. Don't know what I'm missing here. Can't post links atm because this forum account is created today <.<