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About kadir6185

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  1. I want when click seize button, weapon+clothing+vest+headgear seize I need help. I change to But doesnt work. RPT LOG My fn_seizeClient.sqf #include "..\..\script_macros.hpp" /* File: fn_seizeClient.sqf Author: Daniel "Skalicon" Larusso Description: Removes the players weapons client side */ private ["_exempt","_uniform","_vest","_headgear"]; _exempt = LIFE_SETTINGS(getArray,"seize_exempt"); _headgear = LIFE_SETTINGS(getArray,"seize_headgear"); _vest = LIFE_SETTINGS(getArray,"seize_vest"); _uniform = LIFE_SETTINGS(getArray,"seize_uniform"); { if (!(_x in _exempt)) then { player removeWeapon _x; }; } forEach weapons player; { if (!(_x in _exempt)) then { player removeUniform _x; }; } forEach uniformItems player; { if (!(_x in _exempt)) then { player removeVest _x; }; } forEach vestItems player; { if (!(_x in _exempt)) then { player removeItemFromBackpack _x; }; } forEach backpackItems player; { if (!(_x in _exempt)) then { player removeMagazine _x; }; } forEach magazines player; if (uniform player in _uniform) then {removeUniform player;}; if (vest player in _vest) then {removeVest player;}; if (headgear player in _headgear) then {removeHeadgear player;}; [] call SOCK_fnc_updateRequest; titleText[localize "STR_NOTF_SeizeIllegals","PLAIN"];