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About bgregory

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  1. bgregory

    XENO - Taru Pod Mod

    Disregard previous post! It was 1am and I didn't even consider to check the ArmA 3 class name list as they are already in ArmA :S ---------- Post added at 09:04 ---------- Previous post was at 08:11 ---------- So, I got everything in without error. I have tried putting a pod down, hooking it to a base Taru however when I use the "attach pod" option on the action menu nothing happens. Anyone else getting this issue?
  2. bgregory

    XENO - Taru Pod Mod

    Question, as I am about to try to integrate this awesome mod / concept into my A3 OverPOCH server.... What are the classnames for the different pods? I looked through what documentation came with the download but I didn't see a list of classnames for the separated pods from the Taru. Do they count as vehicle objects or something else? If I can get this working I intend to completely strip out all but the base Taru and use this mod in it's place.
  3. Any update? I am eager to get your mod working on my EPOCH server :)
  4. Anyone trying to use this on server? I am getting an error that the wop file that was added is not part of the serverkey and therefore cannot be used on server.
  5. Thanks for posting awesome mods :)
  6. So... my girlfriend saw pink hunters and now I am under the gun to get this mod on my server :) The mod says it requires no other mods, however I am getting this error when I try to load it on my server: Warning Message: Addon 'TF47_Desert_Hunter' requires addon 'Extended_EventHandlers' I did try adding the Extended Event Handlers mod, however it seems to want Arma 2 dependancies when I try to use it. It does get me past that error however. So what am I doing wrong as I don't see anyone else reporting any issue like this? ---------- Post added at 08:13 ---------- Previous post was at 07:12 ---------- I worked this issue out, the Armaholic page was incorrect. However, trying to use version .5 doesn't seem to work. The server key doesn't seem to be current for the core and littlebird pbo files. Can you post an updated version of the mod with a complete key please?