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Everything posted by daniel_yates

  1. So, I am using a mod called ACE3 along with custom objects like barriers from the PLP Urban Pack. My idea was that so that people would be able to pickup these custom objects using ACE (works fine) and place them onto the back of a truck. Whilst some objects in this pack (traffic cones, etc.) do work, others like the barrier I have already mentioned don't - well they sort of do. ACE recognises that the object doesn't have any sort of physics attached to it, so instead of leaving it to just float in the air, it makes the objects shoot straight down to the ground, going straight through anything below it (e.g. in my case the truck I was trying to load it on). So I guess what I'd be looking for is either someone to come up with some monumentally amazing solution, or if I can simply add the physics of one object to these objects which do not have any. If you have any questions let me know, I'm going to be watching this page religiously! Thanks. P.S. I know the barriers do not have any physics because if you place them in the air in the editor, unlike some of the traffic cones in the pack, they stay floating in the air, rather than falling to the ground like the cone(s).
  2. Wow, some people really are so talented. This works absolutely fantastically, and for objects which otherwise don't have physics already, it's a great workaround and is exactly what I was looking for - this has effectively made my day. Can't thank you enough, this is awesome. (Knowing me I'm probably going to come back here with more questions about it haha). Thanks. :D
  3. I've posted something on it now, hopefully he will! :)
  4. daniel_yates

    PLP Urban Packs

    Hey, do you think you'd be adding proper physics to all of the objects (the Orange Plastic Barriers, etc. do not have any proper physics).
  5. ACE doesn't do anything magic, for custom objects there's a little piece of code you put into the object's init box and then it allows you to interact with it, positioning it away from the player at the distance specified in the init. Also, where do I put this code that you gave?
  6. Righto, thanks for the quick reply, would you be able to expand a little more on the steps I'd have to take? And also do you think this would solve the problem of ACE just sending the object to the ground because it can't find any sort of 'physics' file or whatever it searches for? Thanks.