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About Bunt2014

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  1. Bunt2014

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Hi, i have a Problem with the AGM G-Forces. Me and my friend are sitting in the same jet. Yes its a jet with two seats :) When i fly curves and i get only a little tunnel vision but he is unconscious instantly. If he is flying alone he has the same problem. I hope someone can help me and sorry for the bad english :)
  2. Bunt2014

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Ah okay i though it was a bug because the whole sky was white but the rest of my vision didnt change.
  3. Bunt2014

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    I have a problem with AGM. When im on the ground and shoot, then the sky turns white. After a short moment the sky turns normal again. I think its due to the glasses feature, because if i wear glasses and do the same thing the sky wont turn white. Did somebody know how to fix it? Another information i dont know if its necessary. When i go into my grafic settings my whole monitor is brighter than when im ingame. Its like an grapic overlay which turns on and off. I hope someone can help me.
  4. Bunt2014

    ACRE2 Public Beta Release

    Does the newest version 2_0_1_563 fix it?
  5. Bunt2014

    ACRE2 Public Beta Release

    That doesnt change anything.
  6. Bunt2014

    ACRE2 Public Beta Release

    Hello, i get an error playing with ACRE 2 on my dedicated Server. This is the massage i get: TS plugin connected TS runs as admin Please help me love this mod.