I cleared the facility of CSAT soldiers ( what armor do they use? A normal granade couldn't kill them at once...). I took Tempest ( because YES! :D) and tried to get to the AAF's helipad on the east. I picked up NATO soldiers, escaped from STRIDER .50 cal and an AAF patrol ( no casualties). I drove to western edge of the swamp, ordered to go in column and took from engi the mine detector, if any mines were close enough I ordered engi to defuse them. then I picked FIA guerillas and with the same tactic I reached the end of the swamp on the east. Before I attacked the helipad I just didn't want to die so I did set the A.I. to 0/0. When I was close some AAF soldier started shooting and in 5 seconds he killed my 3 crew members ( I was like: WTH?! HOW DID HE DO THAT?!...ehhh ok these guys just didn't have luck...) Then a group of 3 AAF soldiers came out of nowhere, so I did hide behind a rock and SOMEHOW SOME RANDOM BULLET INSTA-KILLED ME ( headshot I guess). and that in one of the reasons why I want the freakin save game option ON!