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Everything posted by killer12

  1. I've been working on this task script, it creates a countdown timer when certain criteria are met, but i'm trying to make it dissapear when the person has delivered the item. At the moment, after completion it continues to countdown . Any ideas how to stop it? Here's the script: private["_dp","_target","_text","_uiDisp","_time","_bleedout"]; _target = [_this,0,ObjNull,[ObjNull]] call BIS_fnc_param; _time = time + 600; if(str(_target) in life_medic_points) then { private["_point"]; _point = life_medic_points - [(str(_target))]; _dp = _point call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; } else { _dp = life_medic_points call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; }; life_dp_start = _target; life_delivery_in_progress = true; life_dp_point = call compile format["%1",_dp]; _dp = [_dp,"_"," "] call KRON_Replace; life_medic_task = player createSimpleTask [format["Delivery_%1",life_dp_point]]; life_medic_task setSimpleTaskDescription [format[localize "STR_NOTF_DPStart",toUpper _dp],"Delivery Job",""]; hintSilent parseText format["<t align='center'><t size='1.8'><t color='#38C40A'>Job Accepted</t><br/><br/></t>Destination: <t color='#FA4F4F'>%1</t><br/><br/>Description: Immediately drive or fly to the required Hospital to transport the live Organ to the surgeon waiting. The patient is on bypass at the moment but will bleed out soon, so hurry doctor!",toUpper _dp]; life_medic_task setTaskState "Assigned"; _text = format["%1",life_dp_point]; life_medic_task setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos _text); player setCurrentTask life_medic_task; _bleedout = true; //["DeliveryAssigned",[format[localize "STR_NOTF_DPTask",toUpper _dp]]] call bis_fnc_showNotification; sleep 10; [] spawn { waitUntil {!life_delivery_in_progress OR !alive player}; if(!alive player) then { life_medic_task setTaskState "Failed"; cancelSimpleTaskDestination life_medic_task; player removeSimpleTask life_medic_task; hint "Failed, you died an the organ Perished."; life_delivery_in_progress = false; life_dp_point = nil; }; }; while {_bleedout} do { if((round(_time - time)) > 0) then { _countDown = [(_time - time),"MM:SS"] call BIS_fnc_secondsToString; hintSilent parseText format["<t size='2'><t color='#FA4F4F'>BLEEDOUT TIME</t></t><br/><t size='4'>%1</t>",_countDown]; }; if((round(_time - time)) < 1) exitWith {hint "You have failed the mission, the Patient bled out on the operation table because you took too long."; life_medic_task setTaskState "Failed"; cancelSimpleTaskDestination life_medic_task; player removeSimpleTask life_medic_task; life_delivery_in_progress = false; life_dp_point = nil; }; if(!alive player && ((round(_time - time)) > 0)) exitWith {hint "You have failed the mission, the patient bled out on the operating table because you didn't deliver the organ and it perished..."; life_medic_task setTaskState "Failed"; cancelSimpleTaskDestination life_medic_task; player removeSimpleTask life_medic_task; life_delivery_in_progress = false; life_dp_point = nil; }; if (!life_delivery_in_progress) then { _bleedout = false; }; sleep 0.1; };
  2. killer12

    hint Help

    Thanks for the feedback flyingpenguin! I'm still having trouble understanding what you menitoned. I looked up on missionNamespace, but unfortunately i couldn't exactly understand it. I'm unsure how to check the taskstate, so i just threw these together: if((round(_time - time)) > 0) then { _countDown = [(_time - time),"MM:SS"] call BIS_fnc_secondsToString; if (life_medic_task taskState !"Succeeded") then { hintSilent parseText format["<t size='2'><t color='#FA4F4F'>BLEEDOUT TIME</t></t><br/><t size='4'>%1</t>",_countDown]; }; }; if((round(_time - time)) > 0) then { _countDown = [(_time - time),"MM:SS"] call BIS_fnc_secondsToString; if (life_medic_task taskState == "Assigned") then { hintSilent parseText format["<t size='2'><t color='#FA4F4F'>BLEEDOUT TIME</t></t><br/><t size='4'>%1</t>",_countDown]; }; }; Any chance one of those would work? Thanks
  3. killer12

    Simple addAction Help

    Oh god, how'd i miss that! aha. Thank you!!
  4. Hello everyone! I've been trying to make a Crop Dusting Script, but i've encountered a simple, yet annoying problem; I can't figure out how to get this addAction working. cropdust = player addAction["Release Insecticide",{ if (typeOf(vehicle player) == "I_Truck_02_covered_F") then { if (player distance (getMarkerPos "crop_1") < 200) then { hint "Keep dusting the crops until the insecticide is empty"; _smoke = "SmokeShell" createVehicle position player; crop_smokeActive = true; } else { hint "You need to be less than 200m to the Crop Field to deploy the insecticide!"; }; }: }]; I've been looking here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addAction But i still can't figure it out :L Any help would be appreciated! :)
  5. What different, and effective ways can i set a variable globally (needs to be JIP too) thanks
  6. killer12

    Execute variable globally

    Worked perfectly. Thank you.
  7. killer12

    Dialog menu, need help

    Thanks for the reply Iceman. I'll try it tonight bro!
  8. I've recently been learning about Dialog Menus for Arma 3 (very new, please be nice :)) I've created a menu, but when i go in-game, my button i put over a picture isn't there, as in i can't click it. Here's the dialog: I want a invisible button over the GangList picture. It does work in editor (originally tried it with a closeDialog 0; action), but when I run it in-game (in a mission) it doesn't appear there (even when using the closeDialog action), but everything else loads. I've tried running it without an action, still doesn't work. Any help will be appreciated :)
  9. I'm a developer of an Arma 3 server with several other people, we're currently looking for a knowledgeable map editor to help us finish a map we're working on. I understand that everyone's time is very valuable and Map developing is quite time consuming, so we are more than happy to pay for your time. We have a basic map that needs to be ported over to Arma 3, and finished off. If you are interested please PM me. Thanks for reading! :)
  10. killer12

    Objects Fall Through Table

    Bump I still can't seem to get them to stay on the table when I try to pick them up. I've added this to all of them but it still doesn't work: _this allowDamage false; _this enableSimulation false;
  11. This is an excellent tool! But unfortunately I can't get it to copy/past properly :L MCC_savedObjectives = []; MCC_savedGroups = []; MCC_savedVehicles = [["EMPTY","Land_i_Barracks_V2_F",[14975.3,16534.6,0],0,""]]; MCC_savedWeather = [0.7,0.7,0,0.218131,0,0]; MCC_savedTime = [2014,7,15,5,8,""]; MCC_savedZones = [[],[],[],[],[]]; [MCC_savedZones] spawn MCC_fn_loadZones; [[MCC_savedObjectives, MCC_savedGroups, MCC_savedVehicles, MCC_savedWeather, MCC_savedTime], "MCC_fnc_loadFromMCC", false, false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; That paste's out when I choose the option to 'Save All (SQM)' & Save '(MMC (SQM)'. I originally edited the file, then saved the profile. Now I loaded it back up to save it and put it on my server, originally I left it because I had no clue how to make it into a usable SQM. Could it be because I have re-loaded it back in, and not added it in from scratch? I'm also editing a map I've created and customized in the 2D Editor, is that ok? Or does it have to be a blank map? Any help would be appreciated, thanks! Edit: Nvm, I figured it out. You can only copy/paste if you make a new map and load/create it there. My objects that I added seem to be a little bit off centre to how there were situated after I placed them into my actual map, has anyone experienced anything similar?