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Posts posted by iTicTactical

  1. 4 hours ago, froggyluv said:

    So what you need is a "killed" eventhandler


    from the Wiki:

    this addEventHandler ["Killed", { params ["_unit", "_killer", "_instigator", "_useEffects"]; }];


    So you would add something like that to the target or sentry_1. Select 1 would be the Killer.


    Thanks for the reply. It looks like I've got the eventHandler to work simply from using this addEventHandler ["killed", "hint format ['Killed by %1',_this select 1]"]; but I want to swap the response from a hint to something like a groupChat format. Assuming that you can alter that particular code, changing hint format to groupChat doesn't work. If not, what would the code look like if I had to use a separate script? I've tried _instigator groupChat "Dropped him."; but that doesn't want to work either.

  2. Hey all,


    In my scenario player_1 and player_2 have an opportunity to kill sentry_1. To be dynamic, I want to code in a radio response from the player who killed him. Something simple like "Dropped him." for example.


    I know how to code the speech, what I don't know is how to identify which player killed sentry_1. I've looked at if and or but I can't figure out how to compile it into a working script.


    Any guidance is appreciated. Cheers!

  3. On 5/22/2017 at 5:47 PM, JonnyVCB said:


    What you refer to as 'patches' aren't worn on uniform. The Engineers one is actually the officers capbadge for their Berets the other two are Blazer Badges you put on civvie blazers.


    The TRFs are almost correct, the R Signals one is actually 216 (Parachute) Signals Squadrons DZ flash, the actual Royal Signals one everyone else wears is alot smaller and similar shaped to the REME one.


    Edited to add: Just for clarity, please don't put any of these 'Patches' anywhere near your addons uniforms if you want to retain real world accuracy. 


    Mike asked for the TRFs to reference which corps I thought would be interesting to implement. The internet is a pretty accessible thing these days, if you want to correct it, feel free buddy.


    They're just points of reference in case he needed anything more, it's his MOD. Frankly, I didn't see much on the combat fatigues (this is back when MTP was making an appearance and we moved away from the 95 kit) apart from a TRF and a specialty patch anyway. 


    INFORMATION OUT OF DATE. Please contact the user via PM

    Are you bored of the overwhelming amount of US and NATO units for ArmA 3? If the answer is yes then a role in the 76th Guards may bring the welcome change that you're looking for!
    About Us
    We are a newly formed Russian VDV realism unit based in the UK and operate on the GMT +0 timezone. Our roles include mechanized/motor rifle and aviation elements with a Spetsnaz GRU attachment that the very dedicated may join.
    Unlike some realism units, we stick to what's important - having an enjoyable experience with like-minded people who feel that ArmA 3 should be played as it's intended, simulation. No silly promotion parades or long, pointless marches that lead to nothing. "Realism without the BS" as the saying goes.
    Operating Dates & Times
    Weekly Operations: Every Sunday (2000 GMT +0)
    Team Building (Casual/Optional): Every Wednesday (Anytime)
    Weekly operations typically last more than a few weeks but may vary and often have unforeseen situations (good or bad) develop throughout to keep things interesting.
    We are accepting applications for all areas of the unit (excluding Spetsnaz GRU).
    Those wishing to apply should go the following page and submit an application there:
    Please keep your applications as informative as possible. If we like what we see we will contact you with further details on how to get in touch with us.
    Hope to see your name in our ranks!

  5. Hey guys,


    I'm looking to activate Virtual Arsenal at the very beginning of my mission, to allow players to choose their kit before the mission actually starts.


    I also want a countdown displayed somewhere on-screen (about a minute long) that fades the screen and starts the 'actual' mission once run out.


    All of the guides I have read/watched point towards launching it via an ammo create or something once the mission has started. This isn't what I want.


    Is this at all possible? I've seen similar things on KOTH and hoped something could be achieved for VA.


    Thanks for any advice!

  6. (If you're talking to me Das) Unless I'm mistaken this threads' title is 'ArmA 3 Addon Request Thread'?

    Or am I mis-interpreting that... Addons (to me) are weapons, objects etc. MODs are things that physically change the game.

    If I'm mistaken then someone please refer me to the right thread as in my mind I'm in the right place anyway.

  7. Not sure if this has already been posted but this is what I use for my IEDs...

    bomb="M_Mo_82mm_AT_LG" createVehicle (getPos IED); deleteVehicle IED;

    Put that in a trigger (activated by whoever you want to die) and name the object used as 'IED'.

    I haven't found any issues with this method and it damages vehicles but with the shell I've used, doesn't seem to completely destroy them.

    You'll have to go about finding the classnames for other shell types for more powerful explosions etc but this one does me fine.

  8. Thanks for explaining.

    Unfortunately the AI becomes stuck in the current animation even after they've joined the players' group.

    I'm using the following as the sitting animation as it isn't simply a 'frozen image'...

    [this, "SIT_SAD1","NONE"] call BIS_fnc_ambientAnim;

    I figure I just need a script to trigger once the addAction is activated to release him from the animation? I've tried enbaleSimulation "ANIM" and even playActionNow and switchMove ""; but still no joy.

    Now I did find this in the functions viewer;

    if (isNull _unit) exitWith


    //["Function terminated, unit doesn't exist!"] call BIS_fnc_logFormat;


    if (isNil "_forcedSnapPoint") then


    ["Forced snappoint doesn't exist!"] call BIS_fnc_error;

    _forcedSnapPoint = objNull;


    if ((_unit getVariable ["BIS_fnc_ambientAnim__animset",""]) != "") exitWith


    ["[%1] Trying to play an ambient animation [%3] while another [%2] is already playing!",_unit,_unit getVariable ["BIS_fnc_ambientAnim__animset",""],_animset] call BIS_fnc_logFormat;


    _unit call BIS_fnc_ambientAnim__terminate;

    _this spawn


    sleep 1;

    _this call BIS_fnc_ambientAnim;




    But what does it mean, is it even the right code for what I need?

    I don't even care about a standing up animation anymore. I just want the AI up and free to move when the addAction is activated...

  9. Many thanks.

    Seems a lot simpler than the way Kylania posted on their thread. (at least for me anyway)

    What's the difference between this;

    _per = _this select 0; // Person who had the addAction

    _caller = _this select 1; // Person who used the addAction

    _act = _this select 2; // ID of the addAction

    // Group given in the arguments section (ie: [Hostage]

    _per = _this select 3;

    // Remove the rescue option

    _per removeAction _act;

    // Join preselected unit (Hostage) to callers group, silently.

    _per joinSilent _caller;

    ...and what you have just posted?

    Does the setUnitPos "UP" force the AI to stand up from an animation if one is implemented? or does it just force them to be upright wherever they go as usual?

    Just trying to learn it, thanks

  10. It's easy to take the piss when you know what to do or where to go. Thanks for pointing me to a search engine though...

    I've already been and found certain threads via Google, YouTube etc but I wanted some help with something very specific as I'm not completely competent with scripting in ArmA yet and I wouldn't know how to set what I want up properly (hence these editing forums for help...). I haven't seen much related to what I actually want either (in terms of the animations etc). If I wanted to simply capture them via a trigger I would've done that a while ago. I just want a higher level of detail than that.

    I'm sure there is a way to do it so unless someone on here knows and is willing to help me, I'll just have to keep looking.

    Thanks for the advice though JAndrews

  11. Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.

    My issue with those scripts are that I only need the scripts running off of a pre-placed AI. I don't need a random locator or a specific one because the AI will already be placed (so I wouldn't have a clue what to delete to help me).

    I'm still learning scripting for ArmA myself so if there is a simpler version that would be easier for me to implement and learn, I would appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction.

    Also this is for a Singleplayer mission, not online.

    Many thanks

  12. Hey all,

    Basically I'm looking to secure 2 hostages who are sat down on chairs via the 'addAction' command.

    Once the player(s) secure the room they will need to approach both hostages, manually secure them (addAction), the hostages stop their sitting animation and stand up from which point they are silently added to the players' group.

    Can someone help with this?

    I think I have all I need, I just need to know how to put it all together to get a functioning action. So if someone could provide me with an example script of what I want it would really be appreciated.

    Many thanks
