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About whatscs

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  1. No idea if this has been answered but will there be a WIP release? These birds are lookin' mighty sexy and I really want to touch them with my virtual hands.
  2. whatscs

    Moss Targets

    Not sure if you will see this but it seems that when ever I try to put the script in my mission the boxes aren't filled with the ammo type. It works in editor but once I try using it on a dedi it just refuses to replace the ammo with the desired ammo type. I've double checked to make sure it isn't due to any other mods.
  3. whatscs

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    AI placed in editor will act like they should once you give them waypoints in zeus. I'm currently looking to see if there is anything that is causing the waypoint issue on my own and will report back if I find anything (I probably wont). I should note that I'm using v2.1 and am still having issues with the MOVE waypoint. I'm pretty sure they will only go into buildings that have set positions in them like the ones in the base game. It all depends on if the map maker included those positions in their buildings when they made them or ported them over.
  4. Will do, so far it looks like either the issue is due to him is using CSE for mounting or that there is something wrong with a model which means I get to learn how to 3D model...
  5. I have two things to say, one is a question the other is a statement. First off, thank you so much for releasing the source files for your mod, I'm going to be giving it a go to see if I can fix some stuff that myself and the group I'm in have issues with (PEQ's and other attachments not aligning correctly). Second, does anyone have any idea when an update will come out if there is one? I'm sure Toadie will be able to fix the issues I'm having much more efficiently than me but I enjoy learning how stuff works so I'm going to give it a go anyways.
  6. I think you may have a memory leak or something, left EPM Rcon open for at least 5 hours and my cpu usage spiked to 100% with EPM using 73% and increasing/decreasing.. I may be classifying the bug incorrectly but I'm pretty sure its a memory leak of some sort. I'm running Windows 7 64-bit with SP1. There was no crash report since it was still running when I killed the process.
  7. It seemed like it wasn't working but I'll give it another try.
  8. Any date on when the mod can be used on dedi servers? Or if there is a way to do that? I want to use something other than the default ai for a mil. sim. team that uses my server.