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About morkith

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  1. Hi, I may have missed something here, but is it possible to init a Custom Military Objectives Module so that it is already occupied/captured by Blufor for example (or whichever side's units spawn with it). I have added the Custom Military Objectives Module to be my main base and synced it to OPCom and no other Objectives have yet been captured. Even though it is synced to OPCom and spawns some units they do not seem to capture it and therefore when using the Player Resupply it does not seem to work (ive given it a priority of 999). If I do add other objectives and spawn units in their locations, these units do capture/occupy the Custom Military Objective and the Player Resupply does start working. Therefore it seems that even though BLUFOR spawns when the Custom Military Objective is placed those units do not capture it so as far as OPcom is concerned it cannot use it for Logistics. Thanks, and keep up the good work!