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Everything posted by ProfessorPhobos

  1. Thanks. The issue we're having is that upon death, it goes to the deploy screen and you can select the spawn point normally. But when you hit "Deploy" it takes you to a second screen, with the map, a "Respawn / Gear / Team" set of buttons on the top left ,and a Deploy button that doesn't do anything. People either crash out from this screen after a while or are forced to hit "Exit Game." I've managed to clear it by hitting CTRL+DEL and then I respawn correctly, but after that the MCC control menu (I was the one logged in) doesn't come back up - it just blinks in and out.
  2. ProfessorPhobos

    (SMA) Specialist Military Arms

    Is there any way to get access to the outfits that were in earlier versions? I greatly enjoyed the operator uniforms. Are they being spun out to a separate mod? Sorry if this has been asked already, it's a big thread. Great mod, looking forward to what comes next!
  3. Can someone explain the respawn system? We can't get it to work. I've tried to set respawn points in Zeus, but they don't show up on the deploy menu. I've had players join in or reconnect and be unable to leave the deploy menu, even though a primary spawn is set. Multiple primaries seem to provide multiple spawn points, but you can't remove them later, or at least I can't figure out how. Is there any way to adjust the respawn timer or work in various drag/carry/revive scripts?
  4. Bandaging doesn't seem to work. I get "Error: No Unit Stopped Bleeding!" or "Error: No Vehicle Stopped Bleeding!" I have AGM installed but the medical module is disabled. XMedSys showed up fine in the AGM interaction menu without me having to do anything. I can't think of any other mod conflicts.
  5. New to MCC, trying to figure some things out. -How do I set multiple respawn points, or set vehicles as spawn points, or let players spawn on each other? Actually, my question is more: I can do this stuff in Zeus, how do I do it in MCC and/or get MCC to recognize I've done it in Zeus? If I set a respawn point in Zeus while using the MCC mission, nothing happens. I also can't change rank or spawn-point status of player units, like I normally can with Zeus. I'm pretty comfortable using Zeus but I want to also learn MCC because it's more powerful, and yet some basic stuff seems impossible. What do I have to do to get all this working?
  6. ProfessorPhobos

    ShackTac Bunnyhop

    I see on the Shacktac "what mods we use" page it says this is in use for Arma 3. I've tried installing it in Arma 3 like a normal mod but it doesn't seem to activate. Any special trick to get it to work?