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About Ludicrous

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    Army, Music, Sports, Handball

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  1. This mod is just awesome. I love it so far and can't wait for the next Versions. Is it possible to add like a "EOD - suit " and a Husky (the military vehicle)? Edit: Keys are missing for taloon and 2 other files? I can't find them
  2. Hello Community, I'm working on a little horror mission for my clan and got now a problem. They are walking a dark street and I want that a unit spawns right infront of them where the player looks but locally. This was not working: _pos = cursorTarget; while {side player == west} do { sleep ( (1*60) + random (5*60) ); "SoldierWB" createUnit [ _pos]; //Test soldier player say3D "jumpscare"; }; Hope somebody knows what I mean :D
  3. Ludicrous

    [MP] Prophunt

    Nearly everyone knows the gamemode Prophunt for Garrys Mod. So I thought cause nobody did one let's do it for ArmA 3. There are 2 sides: Hunters and Props. The Hunters have to search the Props which are disguised as objects from the map and kill them. You have 15 mins for this. Currently it's better to kill the props with given launchers or grenades till I figure out how to kill props when their object is hit. This thing is as I would say in a Alpha stage 'cause there a things I need to fix and a lot of things I want to add. It's just a fun mission if you're bored :) Features: - Propmenu via Z (EU Keyboards) or Y (US) - Timer - a good designed mission for playing this Future plans: 1. All is gonna be a bit fancier 2. A clock which shows the remaining time. 3. Remove Hunters addaction after they used it. (maybe I'll do a direct tp). 4. Add more props (you can do it by yourself as you know but well nevermind). 5. Show in Propmenu customized names and not the classnames of the objects. 6. Maybe increase the speed of props 7. Sounds for props Credits: - Ludicrous (Script and Idea) - Kiloswiss (Truning into Object help) and austin (Listbox Help) - Kardaj Bengston for the map :) - Iceman77 -> HUD Pictures and videos are comming. Changelog: 0.3 - Took out tyres and plastic crates to prevent the bugs. - Added funny slot. - Added damage if the object you shot is not a prop. Thanks Kiloswiss - Patched out test code until it works. - Added player hud. (Credits to Iceman77) - Added Timer. (May just work for one side) - Fixed MP error where player could see prop and prop player - Mission is now Ending if one side is dead. Added Admin Slot ( He can watch with a heli from above) Download: Armaholic Mediafire
  4. Looks awesome. Will definitely keep an eye on this!
  5. Ludicrous

    Legal violations by A3L: Arma 3 life

    Agreed. Take them down.