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About Æ

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  1. I have confidence that my method will go (and has gone so far) undetected as far as being worried about global bans. I did a quick search around with google and my particular method is nowhere to be found. I will also not be reporting it as it is currently the only way for me to play the game. For you worries, the few people (if anyone at all) that would also use a similar or even the same method as I have I can say with confidence would not be interested in such things as cheating in a video game. I had the honour to briefly work with security testers (Blue Hats/ Hired Hackers), hence my knowledge of this subject.
  2. After a few hours of troubleshooting I've found a temporary solution. I was able to modify the game files and run the game without BattlEye and play on servers with BattlEye enabled (I was able to play on a BE enabled server for approx 2 hours uninterrupted). I won't be giving away detailed information for obvious reasons.
  3. I have taken measures to download, install then remove the detection but the game will not run multiplayer games (which is all I use it for). I'm aware of how an antivirus works, perhaps more than you, the file is not detected as a trojan it is detected as a W32/Mental. The files behaviour is what flags it as such and like I've said previously it allows potential malicious actions to be made. The file (as it currently is) should not come up 'clean' under any decent antivirus system. For reference, I've worked in the IT industry for many years and it is my professional opinion that anyone with this particular file on their machine is vulnerable to malicious actions.
  4. I don't plan to ever have this file on my machine. Adding exceptions to your antivirus allows potential malicious actions to be made from that file or most commonly something pretending to be that file.
  5. The file is detected and deleted during the download process in Steam and cancels the installation. To which I'm required to re-download the update and the issue repeats itself.
  6. During the latest update on Steam (as of: 11/08/2014) my antivirus software detected a "W32/Mental" by the name of "BEService_x64.exe". For reference my antivirus software is by McAfee not that free rubbish that most people use. Is there going to be a fix for this issue or will I be left with a game I can no-longer play? I do not wish to hear that the file is not harmful, please don't reply saying so.