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About Xabialonso

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Xabialonso

    [SP] Endurance

    Updated issue that made AGM a requirement. Ironed out other bugs.
  2. Xabialonso

    [SP] Endurance

    Download link-----> http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=365970426 Walking back home from work, a vehicle full of illegals runs you over. You wake up in a stranger’s house. Can you endure the harsh environment? Find out when you play Endurance. *Add-ons Required: CBA_A3: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18767 FEMAL3 by zeealex: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=26170 RDS A2 Civilian Packby Reyhard: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=26188 Unlocked Uniforms by Pepe Hal: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=25422 Elite Mercenary Unit (EMU) by Wodzu: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24222 NATO SF and RUSSIAN SPETSNAZ WEAPONS for A3 by massi: http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=23531 Hidden Identity Pack V.2 by Cunico: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24936 TRYK's Multi-Play Uniforms by teriyaki: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=26661 *Add-ons Highly Recommended: L_ES AGM Features: *Custom SFX: voice,music *Listen to some tunes while driving or fighting against enemies such as the Enclave, Raiders, and Security Forces (If you crash your vehicle, be courteous to your neighbors and turn off the radio) *Interact with multiple NPCs *Very, very special thanks to- Indeed Pete The awesome community of Armaholic The musicians of the world You peeps rock!!!! Special Notes: *This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. *For some reason a suitcase can kill you when attached to an NPC. Do not get hit by the suitcase. *The radio needs to be turned on while you are in 3rd person. *When making dialogue choices it helps to let the corresponding sound clip finish, else it will not be synced (anyone know how to fix this let me know :) *Feel free to post your videos of gameplay. *Wanna add to the story? Feel free to modify or use what's already there and post for all to enjoy. *Above all, have fun!
  3. Alright! Thanks a bunch Pete! Just wanted to say thanks for all your help Pete! Finally finished what I was working on-- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=365970426 Could have never done it without your help. Really thanks man and have a great New Year!!! You are too :cool:
  4. Greetings Pete, trying to have a convo choice appear only after a task has been succeeded. Tried the following: class sanOpener1 { condition = "!(taskState tJob == 'SUCCEEDED');"; expression = "san say 'san3';" responses[] = {"sanExit"}; sentences[] = { "Alright Santos it's over.", "I knew you were the right man for the job." }; }; and also this different condition but failed: condition = "!('tJob' call BIS_fnc_taskExists) && {('tJob' call BIS_fnc_taskState) != 'SUCCEEDED'};"
  5. Thanks Pete! Got the move working. Got a question about tasks. There's a primary task with subtasks tpoppa ...tbo .....ta .....tb .....tc Tried the following to have the primary tasks set to succeeded once the subtasks were complete. Found the following and tried using it but it didnt work. in a triggers condition there's: ({ if ( [_x] call BIS_fnc_taskExists ) then { [_x] call BIS_fnc_taskCompleted }else{ false }; }count ["ta","tb","tc"] == 3) and in the on act: hint "fire check"; tpoppa setTaskState "SUCCEEDED";tbo setTaskState "SUCCEEDED"; it fires but nothing happens to tpoppa and tbo, they remain not succeeded when ta,tb, and tc are complete.
  6. trying to have a spawned unit (raider) run to another spawned group (_enemygroup1) and Join them. Using your suggestion Ive spawned unit (raider) with the following: raiderspawn = { _pos = getMarkerPos "raiderstart"; // ToDo: Insert Position! _grp = createGroup east; "O_G_Soldier_F" createUnit [_pos, _grp, "raider = this; this setVariable ['BIS_enableRandomization', false];"]; }; the _enemygroup is spawned with _randomsquad1=["B_medic_F", "B_medic_F","B_medic_F"]; _randomsquad2=["B_medic_F"]; _randomsquad=[_randomsquad1,_randomsquad2]call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _enemygroup1 = [getMarkerPos "raid1",EAST,_randomsquad,[],[],[],[],[],random 360] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; {[_x] execVM "loadoutRaid.sqf";} forEach units _enemygroup1; _wp1 = _enemygroup1 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "mkr_IP_Main", 0]; _wp1 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp1 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _wp1 setWaypointFormation "LINE"; for the waypoint ive tried this butve been unsuccessful: raiderspawn = { _pos = getMarkerPos "raiderstart"; // ToDo: Insert Position! [color="#FF0000"]_wp1 = raider addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "mkr_IP_Main", 0]; [/color] _grp = createGroup east; "O_G_Soldier_F" createUnit [_pos, _grp,[color="#FF0000"] _wp1,[/color] "raider = this; this setVariable ['BIS_enableRandomization', false];"]; }; Can't figure out how to add a waypoint and "loadoutRaid.sqf" to the unit named raider. Any suggestions?
  7. Thanks Pete it worked!!! Tried having the corresponding sound clip play but it broke. [] spawn { waitUntil {player distance merch < 5}; _speechOpener = [["Mhmmm. . .", merch say3D "mer1",],["Be reasonble.", merch say3D "mer2"],["Dont give me that.", merch say3D "mer3"]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; [merch, _speechOpener,"DIRECT"] call IP_fnc_simpleSentence; }; also tried this but it also broke spawn { waitUntil {player distance merch < 5}; _speechOpener = ["Mhmmm. . .", "Be reasonble.","Dont give me that."] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; [merch, _speechOpener,"DIRECT"] call IP_fnc_simpleSentence; _speechOpener1 = ["merch say3D 'merch1'","merch say3D 'merch2'","merch say3D 'merch3'"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; [merch, _speechOpener1,"DIRECT"] call IP_fnc_simpleSentence; };
  8. Alright so heres my failed attempt at calling comments at random. if (isServer) then { _speechopeners = [_one, _two, _three] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; [] spawn { waitUntil {player distance merch < 5}; _one = [merch, "Mhmmm. . .", "DIRECT"] call IP_fnc_simpleSentence; _two = [merch, "Be reasonable.", "DIRECT"] call IP_fnc_simpleSentence; _three = [merch, "Don't give me that.", "DIRECT"] call IP_fnc_simpleSentence; }; }; if(!isServer) then {}; Result is that all of them show in order. You got my vote in the MANW! Good luck in the contest!
  9. Great thanks man! Hey Pete so in the mission there are NPCs that can become followers. 1.Is it possible to have the followers say random chatter when idle? 2. Can we set more than one opener and have them be called randomly?
  10. Alright got it thanks Pete. Can we set the amount of time the dialogue box appears? Tried this [] spawn { waitUntil {player distance thugs < 5}; thugs say "thugs"; [thugs, "enter text enter text", [color="#FF0000"]4[/color] "DIRECT",true] call IP_fnc_simpleSentence; [thugs, "enter text enter text", [color="#FF0000"]2[/color]"DIRECT",true] call IP_fnc_simpleSentence; }; and this [code][] spawn { waitUntil {player distance thugs < 5}; [ [thugs], [ ["enter text enter text",[color="#FF0000"]4[/color]], ["enter text enter text",[color="#FF0000"]2[/color]], ], "DIRECT", true ] spawn IP_fnc_simpleConversation; }; but the text takes a while for the next one to play.
  11. Right. cpy n pasted but nothing. heres what i got in the init: Samspawn = { _pos = getMarkerPos "s"; // ToDo: Insert Position! _grp = createGroup civilian; "C_man_1" createUnit [_pos, _grp, "Sam = this; this setVariable ['BIS_enableRandomization', false];"]; Sam setName "Sam"; Sam setFace "WhiteHead_01"; // ToDo: Enter Face! removeHeadgear Sam; removeGoggles Sam; // Sam addGoggles "G_Aviator"; // Sam addHeadgear "H_Beret_Colonel"; }; Sam setVariable ["IP_LiveFeed", true]; [sam, "Samopener"] call IP_fnc_addConversation; [] spawn { waitUntil {player distance Sam < 5}; [ [sam, player], [ "Come here!" ], "DIRECT", true ] spawn IP_fnc_simpleConversation; Sam say "resa"; // say sound - say3D might be working as well sleep 2; and in the missionsConvo.hpp //sam class Samopener { expression = "Sam say 'res';" responses[] = {"lad","land"}; sentences[] = { "What?", "I said come here!" }; };
  12. Tried the suggested script, he spawns fine and the cinematic spawn text appears when player approaches unit, however the player cant access the dialogue choices from the action menu. heres what was tried: CfgIdentities---- Sam setIdentity "MyLittleSoldier"; (the correct name pops up but no action access) changing Sam setName "Sam" to---- this setName "Sam Villa", "Sam", "Villa"; Looked in the mission.sqm and saw how the other units that start at the beginning of the mission have their Edit Unit NAME option as text:IP_Buddy. Is it possible to set that Name option on units that haven't spawned at the beginning of the mission?
  13. Awesome thanks Indeed! KillzoneKid's blog is crazy thanks man! So the rest action is set correctly and I tried to spawn a unit that appears in the morning from 5 to 7. its a civilian unit named Sam with dialogue. the classname ive found was C_man_1, when trying to spawn Sam, it just gives me a random civ. Any way of spawning Sam?