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Everything posted by MicroSeagZ

  1. I made a DayZ type MPmission for me and some friends using a combination of mods and it works great so far. However once it gets dark, we can't just hop servers like in DayZ. So I used to skip time module in the editor (set to skip 12 hours) and attached it to a Radio Alpha trigger and set the trigger to repeatable. So in game, in got dark, 0-0-1... boom it's daylight again. Everything seemed to be working great, but then the next night... 0-0-1... nothing. Is there something more I need to do? Maybe I need a script for this? I should have known as this is Arma... nothing is that easy. I should point out that I am using modules from the Ravage mod by Haleks. Could it be overriding it somehow? But then why did it work the first time? Kinda stumped... and help would be greatly appreciated!
  2. MicroSeagZ

    AddAction Issue

    This was helpful, thx.
  3. MicroSeagZ

    Post New Thread Button missing?

    I agree, this is a pain. I haven't accessed my account in some time so I retrieved my password and logged in only to find I couldn't post anything. Can't change my avatar either. This is message 1 of 5 I guess...