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Everything posted by roadster213

  1. roadster213

    WEIRD fps drop.

    Game normally runs at 60 fps. Then after a few minutes, regardless of what I am doing (even standing still) it will drop down to 40 FPS. While this is happening, if I press "/" to open up the chat, it goes back up to 60. Press "enter" to close the chat, and it's back down to 40. Press "escape" to bring up the menu, back to 60. "escape" to close the menu, back to 40. I don't get it, it's INCREDIBLY annoying. I know I should be getting 60 FPS constantly. There is no reason why at 40 fps, it would go up to 60 just by opening the chat. There is a bug or flaw that has not been addressed. Is there a fix or workaround for this problem? I've seen this exact same scenario mentioned a year ago and NO ONE addressed it whatsoever, so I am expecting the same to be done to me. Feels like I got cheated out of $60. A video of the problem can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXooKcWPAGg
  2. roadster213

    WEIRD fps drop.

    I've narrowed down the issue to being related to the server that I am in and not to Arma 3 as a whole. The servers in question are Asylum Altis Life servers. I've taken the time to post on their forums about it, so disregard this thread unless someone has found a solution.
  3. roadster213

    WEIRD fps drop.

    I already mentioned in this thread that it is a VISIBLE improvement in frames. And it happens regardless of whether I am running recording software or not. For example, I am riding in the back of a truck while my friend is driving and talking and the game is running choppy. I press / to bring up the chat, now I can see the game running smooth as butter while he continues to drive and talk. This is a bug, and you give Bohemia far too much credit. I'm not in the mood to have someone lie to me about how the chat and menu are considered separate overlays by recording software, which is why I was ungrateful. Also your line about saying that BIS should just simply trim 20fps is almost as ignorant and unhelpful as the comment that this issue is "just a small quirk". To sum it up, if you do not have a workaround or this does not happen to you, then please don't post.
  4. roadster213

    WEIRD fps drop.

    How or why it matters to me is none of your concern, but clearly I wouldn't be making this thread if it didn't. It's fruitless because you were proven wrong and your ego couldn't handle it. When opening up chat, my FPS skyrockets. There is a bug that causes FPS to drop when you aren't in these menus. Opening up small GUI elements does the same thing, it's not just going to the main or chat menus. You just can't accept that you were incorrect in your assumption which you played off as a fact. You also seem to have a false sense of understanding by claiming that Bohemia is not likely to fix this. I never asked them to. Which is why I asked for a workaround multiple times from someone who has hopefully fixed this issue for themselves. Now as a last ditch effort you are trying to shut my thread down by saying nothing can be done and that a drop from 110 fps to 40 is a "very small quirk" (what a STUPID statement). Please remove yourself immediately while I try to seek knowledge from more worthwhile individuals, because clearly you aren't worth listening to. Thanks.
  5. roadster213

    WEIRD fps drop.

    The detail level pop-in is always there regardless of whether I toggle the chat or not and has nothing to do with the FPS drop. I turned off vsync and noticed that with the chat open, I get 110 FPS, with it closed I get 45. This is definitely a bug that I would like fixed.
  6. roadster213

    WEIRD fps drop.

    You are wrong. If I am driving a vehicle with the chat closed, I notice it running poorly at 40 fps. If I open the chat and let the vehicle drift on its own, the vehicle drives much smoother and fraps properly reports the 60 fps. It is not an overlay problem, Direct3d hooks do not work that way anyways. Opening the chat is a VISIBLE improvement in fps. This is a bug in ARMA that needs to be addressed. Also, please don't speak factually when you are only just assuming that you know the answer. Is there no workaround to this so that I can maintain my proper FPS? Why does opening the chat or any menu cause the FPS to go up, or more correctly, why does NOT having the chat or menu open cause my FPS to drop?
  7. roadster213

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Same problem, low fps.