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Everything posted by FileCorrupted

  1. Hey guys, as you can see by my register date and post count I am new to arma modding and scripting, I have used the editor plenty but have no real knowledge of how scripting works in arma 3. So I have come here to ask where I might find some tutorials on scripting. The biggest confusion for me is where I put my scripts and with what syntax I write them, and then how do I access that script in editor. EX: say I want to make a script that spawns a few barells at random times in random positions, how would I do that? and where would I put the script? I should also mention that I do have experience with programming and scripting in various engines and for various games, just never in arma 3.
  2. FileCorrupted

    Ghost Scripts

    These scripts look awesome, thankyou so much. As said before descriptions could be nice, but if you dont have the time they aren't needed
  3. FileCorrupted

    How to show enemy units on map

    You could use markers and adjust there position to the enemy units position. I am new to arma modding myself and can't give much other advice.