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About Behemoth

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  1. Ok, that did it! Squads that are place on the building in the editor will now pop to the appropriate window locations. Squads that are spawned elsewhere and move to the building won't, but that's probably just a few things in the script I'll have to set up. Thanks again for all your patient assistance getting this running, it'll be a huge help.
  2. Alright, so I have the script in my test mission folder, and Zen_OccupyHouse = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "Zen_OccupyHouse.sqf"; _blackList = [group player, group Y]; { if ((side _x == WEST) && {!(_x in _blackList})) then { 0 = [getPosATL leader _x, units _x, -1, true, true] call Zen_OccupyHouse; }; } forEach allGroups; copy pasted in my init.sqf. I've tried having a squad spawn on one of the flat square green miliary command huts, tried having the squad move to it, and even tried the script for the squad leaders init you suggested on page 2 of this forum, the squad will not move to or teleport to window locations, or the assignable squad points on the roof. I know I'm making some error in it's use, but I don't see where.
  3. Ok, that seems much more straight forward. So the above code will run through each squad and check it against the blacklist, and if its close enough to garrison, and the blacklist is as easy as putting the group/unit name under _blackList = [group player, group Y]; Last question, and a good indication of how new I am at this, where would I put that code? Thanks for all your assistance.
  4. The normal spawn script works on my Altis test bed, but when I download the fix for floating items, nothing spawns. Is there a way to fix this?
  5. Ok, so I'd enter that string individually in the init.sqf, for each squad that I wanted to use the script. What if I wanted it to be a universal set that all infantry, AAF, CSAT and NATO, would follow automatically, but could be deactivated for certain squads. Is that possible? Thanks for the assist, in case it's not obvious, I'm fairly new to script/mod usage, the only activation method I've used thus far is through the init file.
  6. So I cant seem to get this to work, dropping the folder in my test mission and the exec vm in my init.sqf, is there some trick to this?
  7. Behemoth

    [R3F] Logistics

    I've read through the full documentation several times, but cant quite figure out how to add vehicles to the list of what can be towed. Currently, the only vehicle I've found that can be towed is the armed boats. How would I go about adding, for example, Hunters or Ifrits to the list so that they could be towed by HEMTT's, Zamaks or Tempests? Any advice would be welcomed, as this is my first attempt at using mods with ARMA3. Thanks in advance.