Hello and Thank You for clicking on my thread. I am a new forums poster so if my "Topic" has already been answered then please re-direct me to the other post. I had searched for someone who is having the same problem as I am and have had no luck. Now I shall start my post:
My question is How can I create a Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead "private" server for I and a couple of friends to join on. After the recent Gamespy shut down May 31st I have been unable to create a "private" server, which I believe are related. I wish to create one so I can use "[MIC] Murcielago's" Shooting Range for us to test weapon ranges for DayZ Mod. I would appreciate any help and or troubleshooting guides for this. Also, I would like to apologize in case somebody has already asked this and has been answered.
As a side note I have tried to use TADST v2.6 and have found no luck. When I make a server, it makes it a LAN server. For my friends and I to play it needs to be for Internet use.