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About Rarkhan

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Rarkhan

    Iraq (current news/events)

    Yes that is very disturbing to see. But again i still believe islam is a religion of peace but people like them abuse it. Our instinct tells us to react on fear with hate. But think wisely and see the difference between this sharia supporting muslims and the fast majority of peacefull muslims. Don't think black and white that is very dangerous and that is exactly the way like those radicals think.
  2. Rarkhan

    Iraq (current news/events)

    Yes i totaly agree
  3. Rarkhan

    Iraq (current news/events)

    Well maybe i am a bit way off in the % thing, but all i am trying to say is that the big majority of muslim population are peaceful people and only the small minoritie is extremist. Just want you to also see the good things and not only the bad, that is called education what i saw people talking about earlier. If you want to have a opinion you need to see 2 sides about the subject. And well this is something to worry about Because as they say, 250 have returned so that means in the UK there are now walking 250 radical wahhabi sharia islamists with fighting experience.
  4. Rarkhan

    Iraq (current news/events)

    Well i am Orthodox christian and it is up to ourself how much we are busy with religion, it is something 24/7 in youre life and you don't need to go to churche for it. My wife is alevi muslim, it is almost the same. But you are right about sunni muslims they need to follow all laws. But again of all muslim population which are bilions only thousands are extremist, that makes 0,0001 %. And sorry about the Muslims, islamist, i ment to say muslims. ---------- Post added at 15:59 ---------- Previous post was at 15:57 ---------- I know the situation there my mother is from hrvatski, and what uck etc is doing ofcourse is very bad but i am talking globaly. In some regions there are mostly extremists and in some regions there are none. And yes we can marry who ever we want but it is not a "good" thing
  5. But will this make them shoot or wil they only do this if you tell them to? I want to make the high command module more usefull and more strategic so you can actually use it also in combat situations and still have control of youre infantry. I can not test this right now i am not at home so will check it out later, thanks for the reply ---------- Post added at 15:49 ---------- Previous post was at 15:46 ---------- Thanks i was just thinking if i had any scripts that would intervene in AI behaviour and yes i had. Well i don't know if i am allowed to say but i don't have bought the game i am running a cracked version because i am waiting for a sale of arma3, i am having some hard times right now and 45 euro is a bit much to miss at this moment. So i cannot play online
  6. Rarkhan

    Iraq (current news/events)

    You think that all islamist wear burkas and pray 5 times a day? I am christian but i don't go every week to church we don't have to. Religion is a way of life it is something about you're culture where you are from. Again, there are bilions of muslims BILIONS and just 0,0001 IS RADICAL. oke, don't make hate about people on the internet because it makes you no better then those sharia people. BTW it is also not allowed in our religion to marry someone with another religion, but you know what? some people have brains and can make there own decisions. Ah and i need to say, you are totaly right about those radical sharia wahhabi muslims that are beheading people etc etc. They need to get rid of, but i just want you to see not to judge bilions of people just because some thousands of radicals. It is the same as this: you see 100 people that like the color red and 1 of them is raping everybody and you say all people that like red are rapist
  7. Rarkhan

    Iraq (current news/events)

    As i said, don't judge the whole religion of a few people trying to make sharia. Maybe 50 % of my friends are muslim also is my wife, i am orthodox christian but don't be so stupid.
  8. Rarkhan

    Iraq (current news/events)

    There are bilions of Islamist and just 0,0001 % of them are radical, that is the same in christian belief and judaism. Islam is a good religion study it and you learn it is in fact a religion of peace just like all others. The books are written to live in a good way as possible and do no harm. But people abuse this and create mass propagamda. But realy don't say things like the only solution is killing all muslims. It is ridiculous
  9. Rarkhan

    Iraq (current news/events)

    The US wanted Assad away because he is not pro western, they gave the rebels FSA support in that time, so there would be chaos and when everything is over they can set a puppet pro western president in power. But they underastimated assad, so they found another solution, fund and train a radical jihadist group that was already there and let them do the dirty work. But then it backfired because they started attacking iraq and now how they make money, well my friend. Oil, taxes etc they are no dumb criminals they are well educated and smart people. They are not just rebels or jihadist coming out from nowhere they are trained oke. They make 1 milion dollar a day only from the oil they sell. They sell elektricity from captured factories to the government. They ask taxes from the people living in the caliphate. As i said, they are not just al quaida linked group this are people that you may not underestimate. The US is creating chaos in the middle east on purpose, think about it. Why are they even there? Do they like the Arabs so much that they want to protect them? Hahah ofcourse not, it is all about the oil, why do you think Saudi Arabia is there biggest allie. But now those people IS are stealing Americas oil and selling it so they have to intervene. Before that, they were just watching people getting murdered by them. It is all a dirty game and with the cost of human life. Now let the US do something good and bomb those IS people and then go away stay in their own country, o wait that can't because America economy is based on warfare.. hmm, well maybe they should "save" some other countries from their "realy bad" leader.
  10. Rarkhan

    Iraq (current news/events)

    I am saying not to compare Al quaida with the ISIS nowadays and yes Turkey supported the FSA which ment in those days the money was going to ISIS. You think i know nothing about this subject? Then tell me why i don't make sense, because i am saying that this group is funded by western countries? Because it is true. And btw you think that when when they gave money to the FSA that they didn't know isis existed and it is something new? Ofcourse they knew about them a long time. Watch combat footage of those so called AK 47 no skill idiots, because those "idiots" are highly trained professionals. They are no dumb ass sheep herders, they know what they are doing. They are all trained in Jordan. Mostly are Saudi Arabians the biggest ally of US you think they knew nothing about this that they have nothing to do with this.. come on man
  11. Rarkhan

    Iraq (current news/events)

    There is proof, they are funded by Turkey UK Saudi Arabia and US and trained in Jordan, don't compare ISIS of today with Al quida in Iraq 14 years ago. And yes they did, the same for training Al quada to fight the russians in Afghanistan. The mission of US was not to create stability but to create chaos just like you sad. You think they went there because Sadam Hussein was such a bad leader? ofcourse not
  12. Thank you very much, i will check this out will reply when i know more Well it seemed to work at first but when they are under fire they just leave there position and run towards it. It is strange because the squad leader in fact will hold position but all the other members just automaticly leave position and start running. What was that other thing you said, no move? Maybe that works, no move unless told so. NVM it works, the problem was that i used FFIS and ASR which had modules in it, like flanking when they are under fire etc. Thank you for you're time
  13. Again thank you for the replie but i think you misunderstood me, i try to explain as close as possible. I made a mission with 6 sectors and you need to conquer them, the player has 4 squads of infantry 2 tanks and 2 btr 60, i am using high command module so you can order them around the map. But what i want is for example when i order a squad forward and they are being attacked the team leader will order his squad members to auto engage which means they will not stay in the same position and fire but they will walk toward the enemy, when this is the case there is no point in strategicly placing units behind cover because they will leave the cover. I want the Ai just to open fire and not engage. Is there a way to turn of the auto engage so the Ai group will stay in position and fire from that position?
  14. Thank you very much for the replie, but i want them to fire, i just don't want them to walk all around the place which means the tactical point of the high commander in combat situations is almost totaly useless
  15. Hey there I am making a mission with high command module but what i see is this: When the Ai groups are in combat i can order the group to move but only the team leader responds all the other members of the squad are running around sometimes 100 meters away, is there a way to turn of the group leader to order his units to Engage the enemy but rather just open fire, that way you have more control over youre squads even in combat situations and it will make the high command module better to use. Rarkhan