Hello :). I'm very new to Arma and its modding & I have downloaded this mod a few days ago & I'm having a problem; there are no weapon sounds for the gunships such as the Hydra, Hellfire, Sidwinders & M197. I've tried disabling all other mods, including sound mod (Which I tried the mod with JSRS2.2 once and Speed of Sound the other time & without either of them another time), I've also tried searching google and this forum for a solution but found nothing about this problem (maybe it's my wording?). What could I have done wrong for the weapons' sounds not to play? By the way the choppers' take off, flight and landing sounds are there, also weapon explosions can be heard and the M197's echo could be heard if I have the camera pointed towards its muzzle. Thanks to anyone who can help in advance :D.