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About sammy66

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  1. Hey guys just brought the DLCs just now off steam and tried to run them but Datacachepreprocessor.exe and it wont startup, on all of them not even a nofication it will only retry twice then say in the steam dialouge "The game is currently unavailable" im really starting to blow my fuse. its like you have being waiting for something for ages and when you get there there is nothing. can anyone help me with this or refer me?
  2. sammy66

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    Is there a minimum size for the area for the Patrol ? I have the problem that in a area with the size of 50x50 the group always get waypoints next to them. Walking 2 steps stop and getting next waypoint 2 steps away. Most of the time they just running around in one spot back an fourth. With a area greater 100x100 all works fine! Is this a known issue ??