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About Kniker

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. I have a NFO server you have to call them and have the open up the ports needed to communicate with the alive system they will do it and it just needs a server reset. you just need to give them the right ip from alive and ports needed
  2. question about the c2istar module.... is there a way to disable a type of mission. seems to always generate defend missions over and over would like to remove them from being generated.
  3. so have a quick question about setup and how reinforcments work.... so im trying to build a mission where once force starts with a smaller size army after players capture objectives will then spawn reinforcements to occupy the captured objectives making the force size larger.. how would i go about setting this up in the initial setup. so example force A starts with 200 on the military objective placer but after capturing a town the force would grow to say 400?
  4. is there a way to limit ai reinforcements to convoy only? the helicopter transports are cool for most missions except my 1944 ironfront mission.
  5. i find it has to do with something not being synced correctly.. you might have a module grouped under your sync line. since arma loves to group everything you put down on the editor
  6. ok here is a question.. so making an ironfront mission and ran into a problem with the logistics..... the enemy is deploying reinforcments via helicopter. is it possable to limit ai logistics to just convoy?
  7. just had a thought for a request... not sure if it has already been asked for but what about the ability to rebase transport/cas/arty assets.... so if you are useing some form of base creating scritp to setup new spawns as you advance why not have the ability of move them closer to the front and have them RTB to the new location rather than back to original position. would like to add we have been using alive for pretty much all our missions on our clan server anymore and love it you guys have done a fantastic job looking forward to the next release
  8. haveing issues with something i thought i had sorted in a old version of alive. so in my mission i have the squad leader as AI and the rest of the squad as playable.. the opcom used to give orders to the squadleader and it would treat the pplayers squad like an ai squad asfar as orders and mission was concerned how do i get this working again with the new alive update.
  9. Kniker

    TMN Defense Budget System

    got the uavs sorted also in the process figured how to add ai units that spawn into high command via this awsome script when i get my economy.sqf finished i can send it to you. im still very much a scripting noob so if there is a better way....
  10. i went through alot of pages and could not find what i was looking for and its late so ill ask.. is there a way to make friendly AI trigger the eos call sofar i can only get it to trigger by players. once agian sorry if question has been asked 50 times already its late and i cant read anymore pages.
  11. Kniker

    TMN Defense Budget System

    great script was exactly what i was looking for. have a couple questions about functionality. mainly how much effort would it be to add infantry ai spawning to the script would love to replace the basic recruiting scripts with something that has substance like this. also any way to setup differnt spawns like multiple bases with spawns for the same faction? once again great script something like this was much needed i see inf spawning was already planned dont know how i missed that when i read the thread.... anyways my bad. did have another question about. buying uavs can add them but they spawn as "empty" so you cant connect to them with normal uav terminal. any ideas how to force them to spawn for a side rather than empty