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Everything posted by Sunhawk

  1. Hi all, I have used Arma 2 for a couple of years with all the DLC with no problems, mostly to play the DayZ Mod. I recently went to play Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead and it said Battle Eye could not initialize so I verified cache where it downloaded some files. I could then launch the game fine but ever since my Arma 2 Operation Arrow head main menu is having problems. It displays like water glitch in the background which is bobbing up and down, normally it shows an intro movie. I have removed all my mods and even reinstall Arma 2 and all add-ons and OA is still having the problem (the menus to A2 and the other DLCS are all fine) Can someone please help me fix? Many Thanks! ---------- Post added at 09:50 ---------- Previous post was at 09:47 ---------- Here is an image of my problem on them Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead menu: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/23962585491337230/904E6E350675621CE1B0639FF4C1ADED9D6ADD14/
  2. Can anybody else help me with this? Slight update, I have narrowed it down to only affect when I launch OA from steam. If I launch it from steam in windowed mode or without battle eye or via the icons in the install location, I don't see the problem. Is there a way to clear how the default play button works for OA on steam? Thanks
  3. Have you verified the cache of all your arma 2 games?
  4. Yeah none have those launch parameters, but thanks for the info. Does anyone else have any ideas? Kinda driving me mad...
  5. Hmm I don't have any parameters set for A2:OA in steam, if it was empty would it be bobbing up and down? Any idea how to fix? thanks for the reply