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About pmc27

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  1. pmc27

    United States Air Force

    Hey fuller, about the problems I had with the AC130: I found out that it isn't compatible with Peral's A-10C Mod. When I activate the last the following error shows up when I enter the AC130: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/USAF_AC130U/Turrets/MainTurret.missileBeg'. Perhaps this info is a little help to fix the bug. When the A-10 is deactivated everything works fine.
  2. pmc27

    United States Air Force

    Hey guys, thanks for updating this cool mod. Beside that I can't handle the AC130 as well as in the previous versions. My Arma 3 Version is 1.26. Problem is i can't take any of the positions in the plane beside the pilots one. With the TV-Operator i can't turn the camera. On co-pilot seat i have no view at all. And the gunner position doesn't show up. Please help
  3. pmc27

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Can anyone please explain how to use the map tools? Hadn't find a clue in the AGM options. Thanks...