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Everything posted by Santi871

  1. Nope. Do you reckon it's not working properly? Maybe it's just me. It's a small detail, but it really breaks immersion for me. ACRE on A2 used to work fine, so I'm not really sure. Maybe it has to do with PlaywithSIX download being corrupted or something of the sorts?
  2. I tried, also downgraded to ts3 version 3.0.14. Still not working properly.
  3. Hello, I suspect I have an issue with TFAR. I've installed version 0.9.6 and it works fine, but the direct speech sounds wrong. There is a 3D effect to it (if someone to my right speaks, his voice will come from the right speaker, etc.) however, it doesn't sound as if his voice comes from his in-game character. For reference, this is exactly what my TFAR direct speech sounds like: As you can hear, it has somewhat of a 3D effect, but it still sounds like regular teamspeak speech. In , it works as I think it should be working. The 3D effect is there and you can also hear the voice coming from each in-game character.Is my TFAR not working correctly or is it just me? Thanks in advance.
  4. Not gonna lie, the hotfix seems to have made it worse. All the KOTH servers I'm joining either desync worse than before or have mass crashing going on.
  5. Santi871

    Weapon tests

    AP in the game means antipersonnel. Goes for Neophron/Wipeout rockets and Titan AP missile.
  6. Santi871

    Boring Ragdoll System (1.24)

    The ragdolls are completely realistic right now. When you take a shot, you instantly fall onto the ground without moving backwards at all. The only problem is that there is no variety and they are repetitive, but I'm sure that can be fixed.