The bootcamp was good, love the VR-world too and all the new facewear etc, those small things are important (to me)
But... the weapon sway is just awful, i've never seen anything like it (i've been running with guns and 30kg+ equipment for years) first it was like michael J fox using a rifle, all shaky and very glitchy, now it's like a bruised up drunken sailor and i mean really smashed up out on the sea, and all that after just 50-100meters? and i understand that you move slower when you're tierd, it's pretty obvious, but bohemia with all respect, what were you guys thinking with when you made the slower phased movement a slowmotion effect off regular running? I'ts doesn't just look bad, it feels bad and it is very very frustrating to play a game you love and have all these updates that are almost destroying the game.
Can't we just get a server option with different fatique modes? so the servers and players can chose for on their own. like Fatique mode: Easy, Normal, UnrealisticDrunkenSailorAtAStomySea.
I know it is an simulator and you guys are struggling for maximum realism (I LOVE IT) But things like this just takes all the fun out of it, honeslty, i only speak for myself but i know more people would agree on just easy up on the fatique system, it's supposed to be fun to play and it really isn't right now.