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About theregurgitator

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. theregurgitator

    Need a voice actor for a short role

    No problem
  2. Alternatively, getHit might work: waitUntil(_vehicle getHit "fuel" > .3); //or whatever hit value you want, from 0-1 https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/getHit
  3. theregurgitator

    Need a voice actor for a short role

    I MIGHT be able to do this, student schedule permitting. I have a rather deep, sometimes gravelly voice (think Jack Bauer, maybe with a bit lazier enunciation), and my headset mic is not crap. The Regurgitator on Steam. I also speak some French if that is applicable.
  4. If anybody finds a way to eliminate the "hitch" inherent in this, that would be awesome. Also, I have only tried this with the MH6, so I am not quite sure about land vehicles being able to use this. The setVelocity might phase the vehicle into the ground a bit, which might provoke ARMA PHYSICSTM. Other helicopters should be fine.
  5. Maybe have a script running that checks the area in front of (or around) the driving AI and re-plots the waypoint (redoes path-plan) if there is any relavent unit/object/whatever the driver should revise his planning for? Edit: Shameless self-plug for my script that stops unitPlay mid-animation (useful for if you want something to follow something using unitPlay but need it to stop when certain conditions happen) - http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?183623-Is-there-any-way-to-prematurely-stop-unitPlay-without-killing-the-animated-unit
  6. If you use barbolani's method, make sure to have the helicopters initialize as flying (formation: flying, elevation: >0) so the engine is on and the rotors spin.
  7. You could do that with bis_fnc_unitCapture and unitPlay, but you would have to record the movement with yourself piloting. Also, depending on the number of helicopters, it might make your mission laggy. I recently made a script to stop unitPlay mid-animation: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?183623-Is-there-any-way-to-prematurely-stop-unitPlay-without-killing-the-animated-unit if you would like that functionality.
  8. I did it ... mostly. This makes the vehicle hitch in place for a bit but does the hitching does not kill immersion or cinematic qualities. Here is my release version. All I ask is for users to keep the "by TheRegurgitator" part in and credit me for the code somewhere visible (in case you binarized the mission files or something). // --- get vehicle out of unitPlay V1.1 --- by TheRegurgitator //out of fuel method stops vehicle momentarily, but it retains its velocity when it is set back to _vel //get velocity _vel = velocity _vehicle; //stop unitPlay _vehicle setFuel 0; sleep 0.001; _vehicle setFuel 1; // you can change this value to have it get the fuel from beforehand, but usually fuel is not an issue when using unitPlay //set velocity back to previous _vehicle setVelocity [ (_vel select 0), (_vel select 1), (_vel select 2) ]; Ask me any questions you have about how to implement this.
  9. I am trying to make a mission with a sniper on a helicopter trying to take out a vehicle (using Firing From Vehicles) and I recorded the helicopter's movement so the mission could be played solo as the sniper. I have already figured out how to get the vehicle being chased to stop (using 'waitUntil {targetTruck getHit "<part>" > 0.2}' to detect if <part> was hit). I was wondering if there was any particularly easy way to stop the unitPlay so I could seamlessly have the helicopter react to the vehicle being disabled. Code so far: _movementdata1 = //a good 1-2 minutes of positional data _sequence1 = [sniperHelo, _movementdata1] spawn BIS_fnc_UnitPlay; waitUntil {targetTruck getHit "motor" > 0.1} || {targetTruck getHit "fuel" > 0.4} || {targetTruck getHit "hull" > 0.5} || {targetTruck getHit "tire" > 0.1}; //still tweaking values here hint "vehicle disabled"; //for testing targetTruck setHit ["motor", 0.95]; targetTruck setHit ["fuel", 0.0]; targetTruck setHit ["hull", 0.6]; //code to make helicopter react would go here I plan to release this mission on Steam Workshop when I get all the problems/gameplay flow worked out and the production value is high enough. ---------- Post added at 04:51 ---------- Previous post was at 04:27 ---------- I have found a way to stop it, but it isn't "seamless": sniperHelo setFuel 0; sleep 0.01; sniperHelo setFuel 1; This stops the helicopter where it is (stationary), and plays a bit of the engine failure/engine relight sound effects.
  10. I believe periscope depth is around 1-3m, but you can try that for yourself. Just set the Elevation in the unit menu to -1 (or whatever you want).
  11. Similar Thread: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?156120-Setting-Color-of-Offroad Six more pages may answer your questions.
  12. theregurgitator

    Helicopter extraction script

    For the helicopter landing/takeoff, you could also use the unitCapture and unitPlay functions.