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Posts posted by Dorak

  1. My work is done here and I have done what I wanted to do.

    Bi tool rights are irrelevant. Evro is not bi. Bi would approach us first and send us a message before marketing our products in their own project. Evro did not ask. Politeness really is a lost art nowadays. Might it have been different if he had asked us first? Who knows.

    So wait a sec. You basically vanish from the scene, say fuck A3 and fuck BI, and when someone get to the conclusion that you guys aren't in the scene anymore and makes an external config ( that don't even touch your files in the first place ) you suddenly pop out of your fucking graves like a Jack-in-the-box to ask for politeness and respect ?

    Is this a very elaborate joke ou you are king delusional ?

  2. Cant believe the responses regarding original owners retaining their rights for their own products. Kind of justifies everything about how we feel about bi these days. No wonder I am the only one left who is active on these forums. Makes me chuckle that people are so spoilt and angry that they bother to have a pop at us about asking for our rights to be respected.

    Except you have absolutely no rights on the config file EvroMalarky did. Stop trying to avoid valid points on purpose to push your shit. Nobody cares. You ask people to show some respect while not showing respect yourself. Pathetic.

  3. Just like Defunkt said a few pages back :

    The original CWR2 maps haven't been ported (or altered in any way).

    AiA improves ArmA 3's backward compatibility with ArmA 2. Evro's mod further extends that to improve compatibility for specific ArmA 2 content but by modifying ArmA 3's configuration, not by modifying content belonging to anybody else. I honestly don't think the CWR2 team's copyrights extend as far as dictating what modifications Evro or anyone else might make to ArmA 3.

    I will reupload the config files as soon as i can. Eat shit.

  4. Thanks Evro.

    I am glad we can bring this to a close.

    I will be looking into the PWS team. As an anecdote, our opinions of BI and A3 are not ungrounded, and are ours to hold because of how we percieve to have been treated in the past. As is the right to publicly advertise, collaborate with other mod teams, or liscence our content, as we see fit.

    Thank you.

    If EvroMalarkey deletes the config file i will reupload it back. You have no rights to ask such thing.

    Stay mad.

    It's a config file which is independant from your shit. Just like Hopecore with Blastcore, which is present on Steam and can't be deleted by anyone for any reasons whatsoever. The same concept should apply to this config file.

  5. Yeah, besides, those videoeffects are pre-rendered. If you want anything like that in Arma you better make sure you got your CPU overclocked to 7Ghz and a quad Titan SLI setup to play it. Its just a little ridicilous.

    ArmA 3 doesn't properly support SLI and scale like shit. PiP is also unusable in SLI.

    Don't want to ruin your irony, but i found funny that even such a voluntary over the top example wouldn't be enough to make this fucking game runs smoothly.

  6. -Lighting is a little bit dark, a sunny day looks almost like a rainy day

    there are two different lighting cfgs implemented in aia tp, one for chernarus and one for all the rest, can you be more specific to which you are refering?

    then again, not every terrain is situated in mid summer mediterraneansea, it supposed to be slightly less bright than stratis/altis.

    thanks for your feedback, the configs are likely to get 1-2 more updates and ill take into account the feedback that people are giving as well.

    in the meantime maybe try to adjust ur game/monitor brightness according to your preferences maybe?

    All i can say is that you pretty much nailed the lighting in Chernarus, Fabio. Thanks. With a little SweetFX preset the map looks ( finally ) gorgeous.

  7. You CAN add the "shit" to your config. But the mod is still working if you did not add it. You just won't have the inertia effect then.

    I edited my previous post.

    It's all about coherence. At this point it's almost if you have to make a fucking wiki about the mods you installed to know if they're featuring that particular A3 feature, etc. It's a gigantic mess.

    Plus, i already cower in fear imagining how tedious editing these values or adding them to an existing weapon will be.

  8. How are modded weapons gonna be affected by these changes ?

    Don't tell me it's AGAIN one of these changes that will require mod authors to add shit in their config files. Please. Not again. Because we gonna, one more time, end up with three thousand patches, and various packs that don't feature these changes. All coherence will be lost. As fucking usual.

  9. Thanks for the update, though i still have a massive issue with your weapons : the recoil.

    Before i go any further let me explain, the recoil you seem to use ( or maybe it has to do with camera shake or whatever, didn't gave a proper eye to the configs ) isn't the standards ArmA 3 recoil. The way it " snaps back " into place after shooting is not the common behavior of ArmA 3 recoil and is kinda disturbing to say the least. It's like the weapon is maintained by a giant rubber band to the soldier chest.

    Take that with a pinch of salt, but maybe you should get rid of your actual recoil values and use standard BI recoil values, like the zafir or any LMG. Plus, if someone is using a mod that affects the recoil ( like TMR or AGM ) it will be compatible right out of the box.

    If you dont' see what i mean, just tell me, and i will make a small comparative webm. In motion the differences are obvious.

  10. Sorry DS6O, my comment wasn't particularly aimed at you, but we have all seen how endless 'tweaks' can cause modders to get pissed off. I'd rather we let LJH get on without and make the mod his way without all of our interference. His track record has been brilliant in the past, so well all just have to wait patiently (and avoid commenting)

    @Yohkanan true bro, true :)

    @others claiming sounds too loud ... I got a fix for you ... TURN DOWN YOUR VOLUME !

    Modders are ( usually ) grown ups. They don't need this pathetic " hugbox " behavior from the community to do what they have to do. If someone can't handle that, which is in all honestly fine in my book since we all have our weak points, maybe they should avoid publics forums and make updates on their website, a closed thread, or something along those lines.

    Please take that into consideration.

    Besides constructive criticism is the core material of any project. If you're not looking for them ( fair enough ) someone should close the thread right away.
