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About mysticalpony

  • Rank
    Private First Class

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  1. mysticalpony

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Strange because our group is not running RHS.
  2. mysticalpony

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Here is this RPT file. (My gun sounds where heard) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B930S5TtlA63a2pCVXZIM1BZWE0/view?usp=sharinghttp://
  3. mysticalpony

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    With AGM v0.94.1 Some of our players gun sounds will randomly not work. Their will also be no muzzle flash. The problem will happen the entire mission. We are running on a dedicated server and have several other mods enabled. This problem only happens with AGM enabled. Video of Guns. Video of launchers.
  4. Possible bug With the 1.7 beta you are able to put AGM-84 harpoons on the dual rail mounts in the service menu. Steam Screenshot ---------- Post added at 20:37 ---------- Previous post was at 20:07 ---------- Possible bug The new fuselage vapour and wing tip effects are rarely appearing and when they do they appear behind the aircraft. Steam Screenshot
  5. Ok thanks, the url was the problem.
  6. To late I'm doing the whole thing. :( Edit: It did not work ---------- Post added at 01:05 ---------- Previous post was at 00:35 ---------- The repository is synchronized but I'm now getting http://gyazo.com/f91fc6c3ede2ae07a925c5a7d2fd3846 ---------- Post added at 01:08 ---------- Previous post was at 01:05 ---------- Repository status http://gyazo.com/70139d43e2979dc31b3a933f57b390a4 http://gyazo.com/1772ff8cc73b0bdf37d794c595b17a57
  7. Retrying after setting it to binary. It was set to auto before.
  8. Yeah uploading a using a FTP client now. Any idea why arma3sync did that? Edit Even after using a FTP client I still get "Repository is out of synchronization and must be rebuilt".
  9. Something is still wrong, I created the folder beforehand but this happened when trying to use the build in upload. gyazo.com/e815521d81ddd7df6712862ec3e87c35 Edit It did this thing again http://gyazo.com/2d026b29a104a853c9e04c337e14beb7
  10. OK, thanks I think I know the problem now. Let me test my theory. Edit Creating the folder on the FTP before uploading the file fixes it.
  11. After uploading I got this error. http://gyazo.com/6558d3e18e95a6647f5825f7789e8550
  12. I used the upload feature of arma3sync, I also tried using raw ftp. I just reinstalled java, rebuilt the repository and am uploading again now. -----------edit------------------ If you were to log into the ftp now you would see its creating a very strange file organization method. Is it meant to do that?
  13. Any Idea why I am getting this error? gyazo.com/ba3311d3a784e81699ba6aed09e9f800 (new member so I cant post links, sorry) I have tried to rebuild the repository, but it did not help. Edit: This is a new error, I think I fixed the old one somehow. gyazo.com/391cbb305d3a58cbf4a6f44cb22d653b