Hi scripters, I've run into a snag. This is the part of my ArmA education where I ask for a freebie. I'm familiar with a lot of commands that I use in editor, and I'm familiar with executing external scripts, but I am super unfamiliar with SQF lingo, and I'm not sure how to learn it well without just seeing it. SQF solutions or in-3den solutions are both great.
Here's what I'd like to do. I'm running a 4 person Co-Op, and as far as I know it'll be ran locally.
Whenever a blufor helicopter respawns (specifically an MH9), I'd like it to run setfuel .11. I was trying to use iskindof but nothing worked that I tried.
I'd like for the unit in the pilot's seat of a helicopter (player) to run additem "NVGoggles" && assignitem "NVGoggles" && hint "NVGs Added". I ran this successfully using vehicle player iskindof "helicopter", but I have a feeling that it will cause issues with multiple players in the vehicle/multiple vehicles.
I'd like for those NVGs to be removed and unassigned when exiting the driver's seat in a helicopter for that unit.
For some reason, I'm having trouble removing the DAR rockets in the I_Heli_light_03_F (Wildcat), and also removing the AA Titans in the O_APC_Tracked_02_AA_F (Tigris). I'd like to remove those at mission start (they won't respawn). This is something I've been able to do before, so I'm not sure what I'm doing incorrectly. I've been trying removeweapon, removemagazine(s), and setammo/setvehicleammo to no avail.
I'm sure these all have easy solutions, I'd love some guidance.