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About ginntonic

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  1. ginntonic

    Arma is cool idea but doesnt work for me

    Please see my comment above. I am not seeking to compare Arma - just pointing out the part of the video where it talks about the same issues. However, to counter your example I would say a pamphlet today may have more useful information on a subject than an encyclopedia using 100 year old information. Some have referenced that Arma 3 is built on a fairly dated engine which causes the problem I am describing.
  2. ginntonic

    Arma is cool idea but doesnt work for me

    Dude...if you think my focal point was to compare Arma to Squad you missed the entire point (see my last statement). I could care less what Squad does - the only point in posting that video was to bring attention to the fact this "Arma expert" was talking about the same issues I was presenting. He just happened to be doing so talking about Squad. The one and only question/comment I have is "why is Arma fluidity so bad at short to med range fighting"?... to your: "After all, I don't stand outside a restaurant I dislike and persistently tell people walking in how much the food sucks:) It's good for them and it's their money.".... well, you might very well go on a forum (or Yelp) for that restaurant and mention you don't like the food. Respectfully, your point made no sense, im not sitting outside Arma's offices telling people not to buy the game. I'm on their forum they setup to discuss such issues.
  3. ginntonic

    Arma is cool idea but doesnt work for me

    For those saying they've never experienced anything of what i am talking about - are you guys simply playing the missions on your own computer? That is certainly flawless, so what I am talking about here is PvP play on both Arma official servers and some of the most popular servers in the game. There is a youtube personality who specializes in Arma 3 - named "OperatorDrewski" - who claims about 2,700 hrs in Arma 3 doing all sorts of things. He talks about the same issues I am talking about all the time and so I am a bit perplexed how this just isn't common knowledge that this game has these problems. This isn't just my computer. Drewski just made a recent video comparing Arma3 to another game coming out and take notice what he says about the character movements starting at 6:00 into the video. He even does a good job explaining in his comparison on why the issues with Arma3 exist. In the video he says about the other game: "coming around a corner and instantly seeing a US solider fully armed to the teeth with an M4 and sprang at him with my AK-47 its one of the most adrenaline pumping moments of any game i've played to date. In Arma the combat is usually so awkward, and the moment is so awkward... firefights just lose that sense of deep immersion." I'm not writing this to pump Squad - I dont know anything about the game, I dont own it. I just think when this guy - who is famous for his Arma 3 experiance - is saying exactly the same things I've experience (as well as my clan) its very interesting.
  4. ginntonic

    Arma is cool idea but doesnt work for me

    To be clear, I am not talking about fluidity of my own character in the game - its other charters which have the lag. I understand, but id say part of game development is balancing the things you can put in a game vs the experience of the average player's system. My system happens to be excellent, and I still have issues. I can see how coop against AI would be massively better - but in todays world it should be expected people want to play PvP. So you know i would agree with your comment about the variables of the server IF Arma's own official servers didn't contain the same type of lag issues. To me, player movement (including enemy movement) should be the #1 thing to address in a game like this....but perhaps i am in the minority. Being someone here said Arma 3 is running on a 15 year old platform that kinda makes sense now as to the reason.
  5. ginntonic

    Arma is cool idea but doesnt work for me

    I realize its a bit of a rage-ish post but I can't be the first person to point this out - so they're either incapable of fixing the problem or refuse to thus far. I came to the forums before purchasing Arma and I did see some complaints about the problem but I wish I had read a post like this so I could have been more aware how dominate in the issue is in game-play. I even brought the issue up in the forums after I purchased the game and was told then by everyone it must be the servers I was playing. Now, having played a lot more I realize the servers may contribute to the issue but the issue is systematic.
  6. ginntonic

    Arma is cool idea but doesnt work for me

    I just went to youtube and clicked on the first video i saw to illustrate the issue. You just have to watch between 2:30-4:00 mark to see what i'm talking about. I guess everyone just finds this "normal"..?
  7. I've given this game every opportunity to be good - and in the end, the fluidity of player movements sucks so badly its just not worth playing. This game punishes players with good connects and rewards those with bad ones. I remember playing SOCOM Navy Seals 15+ years ago and that game had WAY better fluidity and it was a console game. I got my entire clan (just under 100 people from another game) to purchase Arma 3 thinking it was going to be our new go-to game and we all talk about the same issue as to why no one wants to play this game. I realize some of this has to do with the servers and mods, but knowing that Arma needs to address this with some sort of mandatory fitness of sorts....or completely reward players with good connections. I'm not saying this has to be the next Battlefield game - but putting so much into tactics without a solid engine for player positioning seem to be a disproportionate use of resources. In conclusion id add that even though most issues are on other game servers, i have to say even the official Arma servers don't solve the issue. Players and even AI are moon-walking, flying/sliding up/down stairs, walking away after being shot only to fall a couple seconds later, bouncing around the screen, and other things that make this game non-enjoyable to me and my friends. BUT A GREAT IDEA and awesome depth.
  8. ginntonic

    movement latency in Arma is awful

    Exactly. I'd offer the point too that I got my clan (from another game) to jump into Arma and after about a week or so nearly everyone was complaining of the same thing - and we were trying all sorts of game modes. Initially Arma looks like a awesome game/sim but when you get into it the true gameplay isn't very good with the latency issues, and the fact there basically no practical short range gameplay (can't run and shoot). I was the major "cheerleader" of this game and i got frustrated eventually with these issues. Though Id have to say if this game could figure that part out it would be near perfect. Its content is second to none almost, just need to improve on latency and a short-game.
  9. ginntonic

    movement latency in Arma is awful

    I've been playing all sorts of modes, but id say Wasteland was the most played. I guess from my perspective of playing all sorts of other games - why does Arma stand out as the worst? Arma's content and graphics are some of the best, but actual character movements the worse (from my experience). Perhaps the fact is you can't have both.
  10. ginntonic

    movement latency in Arma is awful

    That is correct. Its more a situation like playing with bad FPS even though I have good FPS.
  11. ginntonic

    movement latency in Arma is awful

    Are server settings something I can control on my end? I have great internet - and I am connecting on servers which indicate low ping connections. Most games have some sort of predictive function built in to cut down on latency issues. I was just now trying arma again - snuck up on someone, got to within 15 yards or so (with the enemy on the ground) and him simply rotating his body was enough to make it so my shots didn't register and it was glitchy as heck.
  12. I have to say, Arma 3 could be one of my favorite games by far, but the bad latency in multi-player games is just beyond awful. About a year ago I introduced by clan (from another game) to Arma, and nearly each one of them said the same thing. We had like 30+ people buy a copy of Arma - which we thought would be a solid new game for us, but it was just too frustrating for everyone. With a great system, great internet connection, you shouldn't have so much glitchy movements that makes hitting targets near impossible sometimes. I dont see a lot of talk about this issue, so does everyone just live with this bad latency? Is there any plan to improve this?
  13. ginntonic

    What I dont understand about Arma

    I dont play with any mods - although id love to explore those options. I am North of Seattle and use a high end Xfinity/Comcast internet connection. My ping is pretty good for most servers.
  14. ginntonic

    What I dont understand about Arma

    Just now I went to watch some youtube videos of game-play from other people to see what they experienced. I did see some of that odd stuff happening on their videos too. Here is a for instance - If you go to 5:26 when he is zoomed in, notice the enemy player (not the one he is shooting at) but visible in his scope to the upper right. That enemy runs to a location and then as if ultra-lag graphically repeats the same movement as if in a mini-loop. This type of thing happens to me often.
  15. ginntonic

    What I dont understand about Arma

    Here is my system spec - plus I use an Nvidia Titan. Id add the fact I launch through steam. Gosh, I really hope its a problem on my end since this game is amazing otherwise. I've played with a few buddies of mine from a WG clan and we've talked about this same issue between ourselves. Whatever is happening to me is happening to them too - so this is curious. Can I ask - is everyone experiencing as fluid character movement as say BF games?