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About benderbruno

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Hi, So, I've bought an Asus ROG G750JX, 16gb RAM, GTX 770M 3gb, i7 4700HQ 2.4ghz... Should I get a SSD for ARMA? The FPS on ultra stays around 29-40, not all settings on max, only the ultra preset. I'm also using the memory allocator from Fred41 and GMF, from Fred too.
  2. Lol. Anyways, just joined.
  3. benderbruno

    Boeing C-17 ArmA 3 Mod

    There should be a "Like" button at this forum!!
  4. benderbruno

    looking for revive addon

    XMS2 ( X39's Medical System 2 ) is a medical mod currently on ALPHA stage of development, requires download. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?177535-WIP-X39s-Medical-System-2-(XMS2) If you are looking for a mod that, then I personally recommend CSE - Combat Space Enhancement. It adds a lot of modules, including the Medical System. http://csemod.com/ or http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?152062-Combat-Space-Enhancement-Modification
  5. benderbruno

    [COOP] Digital Infantry Combat Environment

    Great work Kushluk! If there's any changes needed at the collection, let me know. AFAIK I can't transfer you the collection. FYI: 105 subscribers and up! Nice job man!Top 1.
  6. benderbruno

    [COOP] Digital Infantry Combat Environment

    For a future release Kushluk, something like the Vehicle Maintenance System from Tactical Battlefield. The CSE should release something like that on the future, AFAIK.
  7. benderbruno

    [COOP] Digital Infantry Combat Environment

    CSE is not included at dependencies via PWS. Edit: DICE Collection updated with CSE included. http://play.withsix.com/arma-3/collections/2FAvXDoAOEO3xFsFoSu3hA/dice
  8. benderbruno

    [COOP] Digital Infantry Combat Environment

    Hey Kushluk, just updated my collection at PWS and linked you, this thread and the DICE website. http://play.withsix.com/arma-3/collections/2FAvXDoAOEO3xFsFoSu3hA/dice Looking forward to CSE :yay:
  9. benderbruno

    Server Hoster?

    Well, I had a great experience with Kevin on Jestservers.com , but the prices are higher ( $62 for 16 player if I remember). Never had a problem on performance and they installed the mods for me. Kevin helped me alot. Just waiting for the new update to rent again, since update means mod problems.
  10. benderbruno

    Where to hire ArmA 3 server?

    Great experience with Kevin @ jestservers.com They provided me quick support and installed my mods for me. Compared to my clans VDS at nfoservers.com , Jestservers.com is better! Only waiting for the new update and mod breaks to rent again.
  11. benderbruno

    [COOP] Digital Infantry Combat Environment

    Some tips to help you and the mission maker to provide faster support: Always provide .rpt files, if client only, provide client only. Some details help too, like: " I connect to the server then get disconnected " .RPT on %appdata%
  12. benderbruno

    [COOP] Digital Infantry Combat Environment

    Of course Kushluk! What i meant from "Post here what I find out" was like the wiki on Google site and what you just said, about some basic mission config stuff.
  13. benderbruno

    [COOP] Digital Infantry Combat Environment

    Thats great to hear! We love Sangin, because the CQB in there ROCKS! About the HLC, we removed @nato_russian_sf_weapons and added it, plus others.. It really looks like an AR15. One question: can I depbo your mission to understand your system better? I'll post here what I find out on it..
  14. benderbruno

    C0000005 access_violation

    Also with problems! This time is with a gameserver box from JestServers.. Same problem on VDS from NFO, so I ran a Insurgency on Altis(vanilla) with 4 players and didnt crashed.. But then one I asked for one friend of mine enter with some mods and crashed..
  15. benderbruno

    [COOP] Digital Infantry Combat Environment

    Hi, I have some questions/requests about your mission: 1- Could/will you remove addon checker on the future? 2- About the C130, is there any possibility of changing the airplane for the HALO jump?(some people prefer C17, because the textures are a little bit better).. 3- Will you release DICE as an framework for mission development? Or even mod to allow users and mission makers to run certain features of DICE? Feedback: Last night we(aka my clan and I) ran the mission smoothly with 16 players, and we all loved it! They asked me mention somethings on this post as well: 1- We loved the concept of entering the server and just have to pick a class designated by the command of the mission! 2- The EDS squad( Esquadrão de Socorristas, translated Paramedic Squad ) missed the medical mods.. If possible, allow xmedsys or another on DICE, while CSE is on development. 3- On the interrogation, we gave a civilian a bandage, right? With xmedsys we could really give them a bandage, instead of First Aid Kit. Now, a personal question: is there a insurgent exploding IED's by distance? ( Yeah... I was going to disable it and already prone, but it was 3-4 meters away and exploded, could also be a bug..) Thanks! Sorry for grammar/spelling errors, I'm not from USA.