Squad name: TaskForceMarne
Timezone/location : Central Time, Eastern time, Pacific Time
Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Coop
Contact email:
Website address:
Short description: Task Force Marne (Arma 3 milsim Community with Mods!)
We are Task Force Marne, Our goal is to bring as much immersion to Arma 3 Milsim Players as far as realism goes. What kind of Milsim player are you? are you the guy who wants to get face to face with the enemy? well maybe the 1-15th Infantry regiment of the 3rd infantry division would be the place for you. Love being in the sky? Maybe being part of Aviation would be your best bet, Or do you want to blow stuff up? then joining cavalry would be more then thrilling!
You probably get the idea that our community will bring more to the plate then anyone else.
Our dedicated server will be the place where our members will be able to express their love for milsim and tactical realism. Are you interested? well join our teamspeak and Myself or an officer will be happy to fill you in!
Teamspeak IP:
Language: English