Fist many tx for the great extDB!
I´ve tested the extDB with a local MySQL DB but the returning data is not clear for me.
My TestTable with two rows of testdata:
id int(11)
a varchar(20)
b int(11)
data varchar(4096)
data2 text
I´ve tried to select some data with the TestApp:
Some Init:
extDB: 10
extdb: Database Type: MySQL
extdb: Database Session Pool Started
extDB: [1]
extDB: [1]
extDB: [1]
2:42:select id,a,b,data,data2 from testtable where 1
extDB: [2,"1"]
extDB: DEBUG INFO: select id,a,b,data,data2 from testtable where 1
extDB: DEBUG INFO: RESULT:[ [1, "aaa", 111, "DATA DATA DATA", DATA2 DATA2 DATA2], [2, "bbb", 222, "NEW NEW NEW", NEW2 NEW2 NEW2]]
extDB: [1,[ [1, "aaa", 111, "DATA DATA DATA", DATA2 DATA2 DATA2], [2, "bbb", 222, "NEW NEW NEW", NEW2 NEW2 NEW2]]]
The question is, why ist the VARCHAR data returned with " arround it and the TEXT data without?
(There are no " in my tabledata)
Is this a bug or feature ;o)