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Posts posted by lecks

  1. @sheria

    Are you using the newest PBO version? If so, you need to use

    this addAction ["Spawn Cars" ,{[["cars"], [], "carspawn"] spawn ASORVS_fnc_Open;}]; 


    I think cars, boats, tanks may be case sensitive (needs to be lowercase) too because it uses https://community.bi...io.com/wiki/in 


    That's the only thing I can think of off hand. If that doesn't help, what is happening when you choose the action? Any log errors?

  2. @ironhawx: Glad you enjoy the mod. Unfortunately there's nothing built in to do para drops, and I can't think of how I could fit it in. Here's a few options you might be able to use:


    1. If you have dedicated pilots, you can set up a vehicle selector to spawn only weapon crates, and they can use normal sling loading (obviously not really the same as paradrop, but it looks cool and gives the pilots something to do).


    2. You can add an init script to call that one you linked for vehicles spawned from a specific vehicle selector. You would do it like this (sorry, it's confusing code.. an add action for the vehicle inside an addaction for the :

    this addAction ["Paradrop Vehicle Pad",{ 
          [['helicopters', 'planes'], [], "helipad_marker_name",1000,5,nil,nil,{ 
               _veh = _this select 0; 
               _veh addAction ["<t color='#0000f6'>Ammo Drop</t>", "aw_drop.sqf",[1],0,false,true,""," driver _target == _this"];
          }] spawn ASORVS_fnc_Open;

    You can put any 'init script' in where that inner _veh addAction is. This won't let you choose what gear is in the drop (I assume that's in the script).


    3. If you use the ASOR gear selector, feel free to use our script. You can call it from a trigger (with execvm unless you want to add the function) or in a paradrop script or whatever.


    It will reload your gear that you last got from the Gear Selector when you hit the ground (or shortly after). If you're already on the ground it'll do it straight away.


    4. The last vehicle to be spawned will be called ASORVS_SpawnedVehicle if you can use that somehow.

    • Like 1

  3. AVIBIRD: There's no way to limit the vehicles built in, sorry.


    The only way I can think of doing it is to edit the blacklist during the game (it would have to be the side specific one, ie ASORVS_Blacklist_EAST at runtime).


    When we want to have a limited number of vehicles we usually just place them on the map (it looks cooler that way too).

  4. @ironhawx: You're right.. i did screw it up. I got it working on a ship (LHD) first, then moved it to land to fix there and didn't test on the boat again.


    Since I can't work out how to reliably get a position to both delete and spawn a vehicle on a ship, I've changed it so it spawns an arrow first (locally), then deletes everything near the arrow, then spawns the vehicle and deletes the arrow.


    My hard drive died the other day so I don't have access to the source until I setup GitHub again, but here's the fixed PBOs:


  5. Just to further explain.  While the screen is loading, the Uniform field pops up showing Empty, but then it disappears and it seems the fields get grouped up like when you remove something from a field that was expanded.


    I can't seem to reproduce this. The only reason it should not show up is if there's nothing available to select. By default, uniforms are side-specific (UniformSideRestriction = 0; to disable).. I don't suppose you're ending up on a strange side like ENEMY (all uniforms will be east,west,guer or civ afaik) ?



    Hey NickSeafort , you can upload updates or new mods to withSIX yourself now!

    Make your own promo page, get the power to release your work at your own point of choosing.

    To learn more, follow this guide.


    I think you (or your robot) grabbed the wrong post :) .

  6. vengeance1: You should be able to use the setting UnitInsigniaOption = 1;

    (so the full config would be)

    class ASORGS {
         Enabled = 1;
         ConfigName = MyConfig;
         class MyConfig {
              UnitInsigniaOption = 1;

    It's disabled by default because we set them with script for squads.

  7. Hi guys,


    Sorry I haven't been around much. I don't currently have the time at the moment to recreate the mission script for public release as we've now integrated it into a bunch of mods/scripts that we use at ASOR. With that said, there has been a lot of work going into the gear/vehicle selector to keep them going for ASOR. This is not an official release, but for anyone who's waiting, here's the newest version of the gear/vehicle selector in mod format AS ASOR USES IT, including our blacklists, etc. There's not much documentation, but hopefully the sample mission/configs will explain the basics of how to use it outside of ASOR.

    A couple of things to note:

    - Currently no mission script version.. would just need to rename/fill in the RscTitles in asor_common/ui_common and menu.hpp files and keep the folder structure in the mission (/asor/asor_gear_selector/*), but I don't have time at the moment. Will likely be in next public release.

    - Only the blacklist works (and player/side/faction specific "white-lists"). Currently no overall whitelist. The logic would have to go in asor/asor_gear_selector/functions/fn_BuildMainBlacklist and fn_IsAllowed if you want to implement it.

    - Major lack of documentation.

    - There's a bunch of ASOR-specific stuff in there that you'll likely find useless, but nothing should hurt performance/stability (just scripts sitting there not running).

    - While these are prerelease, they're likely the most stable version available.

    - Full source is included.


    Changes since the last version:

    - Probably a hell of a lot of bug fixes and optimizations that I can't remember. Changed to mods that use our custom libraries.

    - Vehicle selector now also supports custom cargo (with loading/saving), vehicle variants (shorter overall lists), and enabling/disabling parts. Requires gear selector to be enabled. Uses gear selector blacklist (but doesn't include soldier class specific items).

    - Vehicle selector can work at heights either ASL or based of a specified object.

    - Vehicle selector can use custom scripts. ASORVS_SpawnedVehicle will contain the last vehicle you spawned, or you can pass script as a paramter.

    - Extra slots to properly support all the extra items that come with ACE3.

    - Changed formats of configs so they can be in description.ext or mods config.cpp and are hopefully more clear.

    - All ASOR specific settings are in ASORConfig.hpp which is included in the config.cpps. If you're a group looking to add it to your modset, I'd recommend doing it the same way either in a modified asor_gear_selector pbo or an extra PBO. You can also put all the same settings in mission description.exts if you prefer.



    • Like 1

  8. @WarGravy and auscleaver: Looks like the showcase pbo didn't build correctly :(. You can download the copy from 2.0 version here: Link removed. See BlazenChambers post below.

    It will work but it won't be signed (so if you play on any servers that use keys with SMA, make a backup). I don't think anything changed in the showcase for 2.1.. it was just rebuilt for the new key.

    • Like 1

  9. heros z: Sounds like it's not loading any SMA files at all. On the menu, SMA should be represented by and SMA icon, not a puzzle piece. Don't really know why it'd only be a problem for you, but maybe try renaming the folder to just @SMA or @SMA2 without the space?


    If this fails, could you paste your latest rpt file (maybe to pastebin.com )

  10. Odd, having tested some more, DLC scopes and stuff work on a handful of your weapons, and do not on others. This is with ASDG_JR not running.


    I just tested the AMS on all guns using newest CBA and SMA in the arsenal and they all worked. How are you testing this? The SMA ammo boxes are bugged (you can't put attachments on guns from them because they're listed as weapons rather than items in the box's config).



    Also, some of the AAC's have erm... a slight problem. Aiming down sights isn't actually aiming down sights, and when bipod'd, the gun direction is fine but the bullets fly 90 degree's to the right... O.o


    Yeah the 9 inch AACs are broken at the moment :(. BlazenChamber accidentally cloned the memory lod while making last minute changes, so anything that uses memory points is screwed up (including shooting/looking down iron sights).

  11. Took your advice and was able to add supressors to my weapon using VAS. Works great, thanks. 1 thing I noticed with sound using supressor + sub ammo. I've shot IRL both supressed sub and super sonic ammo and the sound effect using sub ammo on game seems too loud, closer to what i guess super sonic + supressor levels would be.

    I don't think it's possible to have different sounds for different magazines in Arma.

  12. Great update, guys!


    Few problems:


    Can´t add any accessories to ACC and Minimi Mk3!


    Using ACE3, latest CBA, MRT_Accessories, RHS and a few HLC-weapons...


    Hi flipper, 


    We use all the same mods except for HLC. Can you try without HLC and see if it works?


    Note that the ammo box won't work, you need to use arsenal/gear selector/vas or script (or add it to an ammo box manually).

  13. FTWxxxPHOENIX: Are you using the Gear Selector at the range in the showcase? You do need to get the right suppressor for the right gun.


    For suppressors I guess it's actually ASDG Joint Muzzles rather than Rails that would be the problem.


    If that doesn't explain it, is it still a problem with just @CBA and @SMA and @MRT_Accessories? If not, what other mods are you using?

  14. @f2k that's not true, how he had it is fine. _actcond is a local variable representing a string which is passed to the setTriggerStatements command locally.


    I haven't gone over all of this, but it looks like the problem is basically that you're not using the trigger (as Here's Johnny said).


    @mikesk: I haven't tested this or anything, but I think this is closer to what you're trying to do:

    //this function needs to be referenced by a public variable so it can be called later when the script is activated.
    //it'd be better to declare this elsewhere (maybe init.sqf) so it's not redefined for every trigger.
    mikesk_fnc_createUnits =
    private ["_trigger", "_classArray", "_amount", "_group", "_respawnTime", "_pos", "_patrol", "_obj", "_classname"];
    params ["_triggerName", "_classArray", "_amount", "_group", "_respawnTime"];
    _trigger = missionNamespace getVariable _triggerName;
    _pos = [_trigger] call BIS_fnc_randomPosTrigger;
    for "_i" from 1 to _amount do
    _classname = _classArray select (floor random (count _classArray));
    if (_classname isKindOf "man") then
    _obj = _group createUnit [_classname, _pos, [], 0, "FORM"];
    _pos = [_trigger] call BIS_fnc_randomPosTrigger;
    [_pos, random 360, _classname, _group] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle;
    _patrol = [_trigger, _group] spawn
    _trigger = _this select 0;
    _group = _this select 1;
    while {{alive _x} count units _group > 0} do
    _group move ([_trigger] call BIS_fnc_randomPosTrigger);
    waitUntil {(moveToCompleted leader _group) || (moveToFailed leader _group)};
    waitUntil {{alive _x} count units _group == 0};
    terminate _patrol;
    sleep (_respawnTime * 60);
    private ["_marker", "_classArray", "_amount", "_group", "_showMarker", "_distance"];
    params ["_marker", "_classArray", "_amount", "_group", "_showMarker", "_distance", "_respawn", "_respawnTime"];
    _markerPos = getMarkerPos _marker;
    _marker setMarkerAlpha _showMarker; 
    _markerSize = getMarkerSize _marker;
    _markerSize params ["_markerSizeX", "_markerSizeY"];
    _markerSize = (_markerSizeX + _markerSizeY)/2;
    _markerAgl = markerDir _marker;
    _markerRange = (_markerSize)/2;
    _actCond="{vehicle _x in thisList && isPlayer _x} count playableUnits > 0";
    _tr = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", _markerPos];
    //because you need to refer to the trigger in another script (the activation script), set it as a public variable (mikesk_triggers_markername).
    _triggerName = format["mikesk_triggers_%1", _markerName];
    missionNamespace setVariable[_triggerName, _tr];
    //create the statement string. will end up something like:
    // ["mikesk_triggers_markername", ["b_soldier_f"], 10, EAST, 5] spawn mikesk_fnc_createUnits
    // (note: no private variables)
    _actStatement = format["[%1, %2, %3, %4, %5, %6] spawn mikesk_fnc_createUnits", _triggerName, _classArray, _amount, _group, _respawnTime];
    _tr setTriggerArea [(_distance+_markerSizeX),(_distance+_markerSizeY),_markerAgl,false]; 
    _tr setTriggerActivation ["ANY","PRESENT",true];
    _tr setTriggerTimeout [1, 1, 1, true];
    _tr setTriggerStatements [_actCond,_actStatement, ""];
    //I'm not clear what this part is.
    _trigger = [_tr, 0, "EXIT", [objNull]] call BIS_fnc_param;
    if !(_trigger isEqualTo "EXIT") then
    if (typeOf _trigger != "EmptyDetector") exitWith {};
    _classArray = [_this, 2, ["O_Soldier_F"], [[]]] call BIS_fnc_param;
    _amount = [_this, 2, 1, [0]] call BIS_fnc_param;
    _group = createGroup ([_this, 3, east, [east]] call BIS_fnc_param);
    _respawn = [_this, 6, false, [false]] call BIS_fnc_param;
    _respawnTime = [_this, 7, 1, [0]] call BIS_fnc_param;
    if (!_respawn) then
    [_trigger, _classArray, _amount, _group, _respawnTime] call _createUnits;
    while {_respawn} do
    [_trigger, _classArray, _amount, _group, _respawnTime] call _createUnits;

  15. Assuming that you hadn't changed RscText, etc from their defaults, the below should work. Easiest to just include "defines.hpp" with it in the same folder, otherwise you have to point to the path that it's in (\yourPboPrefix\folderInPbo\defines.hpp ):

    //Base Classes
    class RscText;
    class RscPicture;
    class RscButton;
    class GC_Button_Accept : RscButton 
        soundEnter[] = {"\A3\ui_f\data\sound\CfgNotifications\addItemOK",0,0};
        soundPush[] = {"\A3\ui_f\data\sound\CfgNotifications\addItemOK",0,0};
        soundClick[] = {"\A3\ui_f\data\sound\CfgNotifications\addItemOK",0.09,1};
        soundEscape[] = {"\A3\ui_f\data\sound\CfgNotifications\addItemOK",0,0};
    class GC_Button_Clear : RscButton 
        soundEnter[] = {"\A3\ui_f\data\sound\ReadOut\ReadoutHideClick2",0,0};
        soundPush[] = {"\A3\ui_f\data\sound\ReadOut\ReadoutHideClick2",0,0};
        soundClick[] = {"\A3\ui_f\data\sound\ReadOut\ReadoutHideClick2",0.09,1};
        soundEscape[] = {\A3\ui_f\data\sound\ReadOut\ReadoutHideClick2",0,0};