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About rustypredator

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  1. I was able to install the appid 33910 though... maybe you did something different than the tut.. I used some parts of this tutorial too, but didnt follow it entirely..
  2. Did you really use the 33900 appid? because on the tut you followed, it says that this does'nt work... Although The server runs for you? I Did almost the same, but server dies ;( dont ask me why... I hope somebody can help you with this, as it seems that there are not many using linux here... -Rusty
  3. Is there seriously noone who had this problem before? I really need help with this... if i knew what was causing the errors, i would try to fix... but i dont know what causes them... - Rusty
  4. Hi, I found out that if you have mote than one post you can create a new thread :) So i moved the messages from the thread where i replied first to here. --------------------------Old post: Sorry for replying at this thread, but as im an new user i cant Post a new thread (or im to stupid to find the button), However.. Im Having issues with starting my Arma2:OA Server properly. Startscript config: http://pastebin.com/Dc5bMGbW Startscript check: http://pastebin.com/8KAmqFmf Log: http://pastebin.com/GT9dh8Lj (this are just 3k of like 26k lines of log. This section just duplicates) I got an Arma2 and Arma3 Server both running properly on the same machine. What i have done: - downloaded Arma2:OA (appid 33930) with steamcmd - downloaded and extracted the Linux ded server files, run the install script. - Editing the Startscript params to my liking (adding the configs in an subdirectory, changed the port...) - had some issues with ./Expansion not tolowering but solved that with removing the ./expansion folder that was provided by the linux files archive and readded it after running the install script again. - uploaded my expansion/beta from my client and added the -beta param to the startscript. thats it.. but still im getting the errors you see in the logfile i really dont want to upload the clientfiles completely as i have a very weak internet connection (230kb/s down and ~46kb/s up) it would take me AGES! I hope somebody can help me! -Rusty ---------- Post added at 12:55 ---------- Previous post was at 12:54 ---------- So, i was able to remove the errors with "global stringtable not found" with installing Arma2 AND Arma2:OA in the same dir. It still dies though ;( . New Logfile: http://pastebin.com/QsYP5wQu It seems it has some trouble with some backslashes in files or in the code... how can i fix this? does anyone has an idea? - Rusty
  5. Moved to own thread (can be deleted) - Rusty
  6. Moved to own thread (can be deleted) -Rusty