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Posts posted by salvo85

  1. Hey striike, I dont know /what/ i did but im able to host again, the only things i've done to change my game is i unsubscribed from DUWS modified on the workshop, I downloaded a mod manager called ARMA sync (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=22199) and used that to launch the game recently rather than the actual shortcut. ive also spent a LOT of time playing in my friends hosted version of the same thing so im not sure if it just sort of worked itself out playing on other peoples identical server set up or the mod manager or if it was the workshop item (which i had uninstalled and tried to do before with no sucess) sorry i cant say more but these are the only things i've really done.

  2. Im having the same issue. just happened today and NO solution found. Tried switching to DEV version and back with no luck. I am completely lost on this. i can host LAN, can play single player, can host when opted in on DEV version .. but cannot host once i switch back to non-DEV, tried everything within reason .. someone please help!
