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Posts posted by Tweeter7483

  1. Well this is the only game i get any crashes on star citizen which really pushes my pc a lot more(and is a lot better optimized for multi-core etc) than Arma 3(again during the alpha i rarely if ever CTD it wasn't until the zeus patch this started) does gives me no errors, nor does planetside 2, bf4, bf3, crysis 2 and 3, which play on this computer. This error as well wasnt the normal one i get its usally a BEX error next time i get it i will upload the crash report as it stands now i've just given up thanks again for looking into it for me. I'll try again in a few months or when the boot-camp update comes to the stable(lol) branch and try again.

  2. Yes and i have tried that before the system malloc as well as a lot of the tweaks mentioned throughout this thread and the one that is stickied give me a few and i will upload the RPTs. I was just trying to compliment you guys because i tried looking at them and couldn't make heads or tails of it.

    Here are the crashlogs i zipped them up and put them on rapidshare let me know if you have any issues with the link.


  3. I am also experiencing constant MP crashes. As a new account on here i can not create my own thread for it so heres hoping some one will see this one and be able to help me. I've had over 250 hrs on arma 3 during the alpha and didn't experience many if any CTDs, however i took some time off came back around the Zeus patch. I simply cannot play now the game is constantly crashing in MP i've tried about every solution i've seen posted on this website and others the various tweaks and tips in this post included it simply will not run longer than 20-30 minutes with out giving me the arma 3 has stopped responding. I am sure i need to post logs for you guys to look at but i want to be sure i am posting relevant information so if any one could tell me what i need to post for someone far smarter than me to look at thanks again.
