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Everything posted by south86

  1. I have a heightfield that is currently in L3DT. I have dimensions of Horizontal Scale is 1.2 meters Avg Altitude is 5.5459968602825745682888540031396 meters The map is roughly 20.81 x 19.20 Kilometers It is at a pixel resolution of 17408 x 16064 The map currently looks like this : https://gyazo.com/157dd43aebbade73fdb6c9610ecf0fe4 I need to figure out how to get this heightfield exported out of L3DT and into the Arma 3 map making software because I believe that is the next step. Can someone give me a step by step of how to get this heightfield into the proper format to get it from L3DT to a map I can run around in, in ArmA 3? I would be eternally grateful if someone could do that.
  2. south86

    Need some help.

    Tutorial 2.3 I have my height map I just get lost as to how to what size I need to make it to get it to be like arma where all the resolutions go by the power of 2.
  3. south86

    Need some help.

    I was actually trying to follow this very same tutorial.