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Posts posted by dascleverle

  1. EasyTrack


    ​EasyTrack is a mod for Arma 3 that enables you to use a BFT (Blue Force Tracking) and a RFT (Red Force Tracking) system.
    The BFT is used to track position, type and size of allies.
    The RFT is used to track position, type and size of enemies.
    Downloads are here
    WITHOUT signatures, at the time of creation of this thread (06/27/2016).
    I will work on delivering a version with Signatures included. Stay tuned.
    The link above contains a signed version of the mod.
    CBA A3
    Blue Force Tracking
    Every unit which has an EasyTrack device can be seen on the map by all allied sides.
    To create a symbol for an unit you have to have an EasyTrack tablet. The holder of an EasyTrack tablet has an additional button on the map which allows him to configure the BFT.
    To edit a symbol of an unit click on it and a menu appears on the right side of the screen. All useful settings can be made here.
    Red Force Tracking
    The use of the RFT is just as simple as the BFT.
    To create a RFT symbol "CTRL ALT + double click" on the map if you have an EasyTrack device.
    Possible settings:

    • Symbol (Infantry, Tank, Jet, ...)
    • Color (BLUFOR, OPFOR, Independent, Civilian)
    • Size (Fireteam, Unit, Squad, Platoon)
    • Direction of Movement
    • Area of probable Presence (Ellipse)

    You can create up to four favorites.
    To edit a favorite "CTRL ALT + mouse click" a favorite icon. It gets a yellow border. Now all changes to symbol, size, and color are applied to that favorite.
    To apply a favorite to a RFT marker on the map, select the marker and click on the favorite.

    • Markers can be moved by holding "CTRL ALT + left mouse button" and moving the mouse.
    • Markers fade out as time goes by. The paler the marker the older.
    • You can copy-paste markers with "CTRL + C" and "CTRL + V"
    • You can delete markers with "DEL"
    • You can edit the Area of probable Presence by holding "CTRL ALT" and selecting one of the black circles by clicking and holding the left mouse button and moving the mouse
    • You can edit the Direction of Movement more precisely by holding "CTRL ALT + left mouse button" over the arrow and moving the mouse

    For mission makers

    • Enable Blue Force Tracking (initializes Blue Force Tracking)
      • no options
    • Enable Red Force Tracking (initializes Red Force Tracking)
      • no options
    • Assign BFT Information​ (used to explicitly assign BFT information to units before the mission starts)
      • Units: To which units the module should be applied to
      • Callsign: The callsign for the unit
      • Frequency: The frequency/channel of the unit (works well with TFAR/ACRE)
      • Symbol: The symbol for the unit
      • Size: The size of the unit

    Initialization via Script (since 1.1.3)
    All modules can also be initalized by calling the corresponding init functions.
    Initializes the BFT module.

    spawn CL_BFT_fnc_init;

    Initializes the BFT assign module.

    [callsign, frequency, symbol, size, targets] call CL_BFT_fnc_initAssign;
    • string callsign: The callsign for the unit
    • string frequency: The frequency/channel of the unit (works well with TFAR/ACRE)
    • string symbol: The symbol for the unit (path to a paa-file)
    • string size: The size of the unit (path to a paa-file)
    • array targets: Array of objects that the BFT information should the applied to

    Paths to paa-files:


    Infantry:            "\x\CL\addons\tracking_main\data\symbols\inf.paa"
    Motorized Infantry:  "\x\CL\addons\tracking_main\data\symbols\motinf.paa"
    Mechanized Infantry: "\x\CL\addons\tracking_main\data\symbols\mechinf.paa"
    Recon:               "\x\CL\addons\tracking_main\data\symbols\recon.paa"
    HQ:                  "\x\CL\addons\tracking_main\data\symbols\hq.paa"
    Armor:               "\x\CL\addons\tracking_main\data\symbols\armor.paa"
    Artillery:           "\x\CL\addons\tracking_main\data\symbols\artillery.paa"
    Heli:                "\x\CL\addons\tracking_main\data\symbols\heli.paa"
    Jet:                 "\x\CL\addons\tracking_main\data\symbols\jet.paa"
    Logistics:           "\x\CL\addons\tracking_main\data\symbols\logistics.paa"
    Medical:             "\x\CL\addons\tracking_main\data\symbols\medical.paa"


    Fireteam:     "\x\CL\addons\tracking_main\data\sizes\fireteam.paa"
    Unit/Vehicle: "\x\CL\addons\tracking_main\data\sizes\unit.paa"
    Squad:        "\x\CL\addons\tracking_main\data\sizes\squad.paa"
    Platoon:      "\x\CL\addons\tracking_main\data\sizes\platoon.paa"


    Initializes the RFT module.

    spawn CL_RFT_fnc_init;

    There are two main items in EasyTrack. The PDA and the tablet. There is a specific version of each item for each side.
    The PDA can only see, but not edit or create BFT symbols. Only the tablet can create or edit BFT symbols.
    Both devices however can create, edit and delete RFT markers.

    • b_EasyTrack_Tablet (BLUFOR)
    • i_EasyTrack_Tablet (Independent)
    • o_EasyTrack_Tablet (OPFOR)


    • b_EasyTrack_PDA (BLUFOR)
    • i_EasyTrack_PDA (Independent)
    • o_EasyTrack_PDA (OPFOR)



    • Initial Release


    • Filters and Quick actions in the "Configure BFT" dialog
    • Markers are now visible in GPS
    • Dynamic Actions such as "Configure BFT", "Self destruction", ...
    • Self destruction, which has to be confirmed and creates a new item that acts as a gps device
    • "Assign BFT-Information"-Module
    • German localization
    • Icons for all modules


    • serverTime-Variable for all time interactions
    • When editing a favorite the currently selected marker does not get edited
    • New classnames for compat with FatTrack


    • Map flickering
    • Missing players in "Configure BFT" dialog
    • Visibility of "Configure BFT" button at mission start
    • When editing a text field map does not close when pressing a map close key on the keyboard
    • Not appling changes to Callsign or Frequency


    • Fix for stupid renaming error


    • Move Action-Button slightly left to not overlap with ACE3s Maptool colors


    • Initializing modules via script


    • Interaction (moving, creating, favorites, changing direction or ellipse) with RFT-Markers now with ALT- instead of CTRL-Key
    • Move Actions-Button slightly left


    • 'author/' is not a value

    Here is a short presentation of my mod (German)



    EasyTrack is licensed under the GNU GPLv3.

    The source code can be found at my GitHub.
    Thanks to JeremiahRose for helping me create a concept. Check out his YouTube-Channel. It's great (if you can understand German).
    Thanks to all testers.
    Fett_Li, who originally created FatTrack. This mod is the sequel to his mod since he could not continue FatTrack due to lack of time.

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