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About AlphaAquila

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  1. AlphaAquila

    ArmA 3 and TrackIR, how to make it work ?

    Hi, for some reason I'm not allowed to open a new topic for my problem. So I'm sorry for digging out this one. I want to use headtracking for the freelook-mode (hold ALT or double tap ALT to toggle). I use FaceTrackNoIR with a PS3 Cam (faceAPI, EWMA Filter, Freetrack 2.0 protocoll). This system seems to work, in Arma 3 ingame menu for controlls, TrackIR and FreeTrack are available as controllers. When I activate one of them and start the tracking software I'm in the freelook-mode and the headtracking works. The problem is, that I can't leave the freelook-mode with pressing ALT once or twice. I'm stuck in freelook mode and can't return to the normal mouse-aim-mode. What am I doing wrong? Thanks guys.