I try to spawning intel after download from laptop, but that doesn't work.
I need to spawn intel ex : "Item_ItemMap"
On downloaddata.sqf
and in intelcreator.sqf
_veh = createVehicle ["Item_ItemMap",getpos player,[], 0, ""];
_veh setpos (player modelToWorld [0,6,0]);
_veh setDir ([_veh, player] call BIS_fnc_dirTo);
_setVehiculeInit = if (isServer) then {
this setVariable ["RscAttributeDiaryRecord_texture","a3\structures_f_epc\Items\Documents\Data\document_secret_01_co.paa", true];
[this,"RscAttributeDiaryRecord",["Top Secret Docs","<br /><execute expression=""[(group player), 'my intel task', ['an intel task', 'secret docs', ''], [0,0,0], 'ASSIGNED', 0] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate"">Nos lignes sont bien gardés, nous allons gagner !</execute><br />",""]] call bis_fnc_setServerVariable;
this setVariable ["recipients", west, true];
[this,"init"] spawn bis_fnc_initIntelObject;
But i think my script is really bad.
can you help me ?