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Everything posted by ReZiNsky

  1. I have found something interesting regarding this, I have yet to install the files I need to fix it but strangely On every map I have made personally, this error pops up but the Editor still loads into preview mode. Only recently when I attempted to edit a popular public I and A mission downloaded from their site did I run into this editor loop thing. So it is specific to certain missions but why?
  2. This has become an issue yet again since they updated the Helicopter sounds with that last patch, at certain angles and when a lot of choppers are near by there is crackling and audio clipping(result of poor audio mastering) and it's quite immersion breaking and as you said painful.
  3. If the 'lag' you speak of was in the form of strange crackling or audio clipping that's on BI's end, I have found that the helicopters crackle as well as some gun fire at times since the update a lot of better additions but they appear to have messed something else up.
  4. ReZiNsky

    United States Air Force

    I too have just run into this issue did you ever find a fix? I have a lot of mods and I recently installed AiA full and I sure hope its not the one conflicting. With or without the standalone c130 mod the problem persists. Would appreciate a reply Edit: It appears that All in Arma conflicts with this mod causing the tilt back into ground bug that results in exploding. My troubleshooting has reached it's end I don't know what part of AiA is conflicting but when disabled USAF works wonders. I love this mod the Lancer is my favorite though regrettably I will have to disable it until more information can be found about this bug.
  5. UPDATE TO THE POLL: Ctrl+Z -undo functionality for last action done (instead of last object placed.) The ability to fully manipulate placed units and objects after initial placement in 3D Editor (ie. Rotate,Elevate,Delete etc.) because Zeus' is clunky Fix "delete at center screen" functionality (Currently deletes everywhere except the center of the screen)
  6. What kills me the most is the overall clunk factor; movement, interaction, etc. All of it lacks the fluidity needed for such a complex game let me change weapons while moving without a messy add-on script please, and who wouldn't love if slight adjustments near rock walls didn't stretch a leg in a bizarre manner aiming you at the sky.
  7. ReZiNsky

    Secondary Monitor as Map

    There is this flight sim called Flightgear an open source wonder with a very skilled community. They created a java program called Atlas that ran in the back ground and displayed a map of the in-game world whilst transmitting your location to the external application in real time. Something similar for Arma 3 would be so useful for pilots and I think quite feasible for the A3 modding community to pull off. An example Video: http://bit.ly/1qVf15H
  8. This would be most useful for Arma 3 pilots...... just putting it out there.
  9. ReZiNsky

    battleye fails to install.

    Yah iam having this issue as well and all i have done was download over-watch through Dayz commander, with each solution i attempt further error beckons. Everything runs as admin, files and folders are present and in their proper places no UAC, Firewall or other program is interfering. Had everything running beautifully last night. Now unplayable. My two cents? too many cooks in the kitchen, with6. DzC, and now Steam -each program seems to run the software with a different error, and the only 'reliable' DayZ launcher -Dayz Commander has suddenly generated this new error tangle, now that steam is in the mix i think its about time with6, DayZ Commander and their community figure out a more universally compatible means of implementing Arma/Dayz with additional mods for us new laymen that have stumbled into this yarn ball mod realm. I expect no solution just saying for the sake of, i do however expect "fuck offs" and figure it outs" but hey open source software is useless if developers don't continue to maintain their software, and consider user input.
  10. No. No it's not. This is an Arma 3 thread correct? I'm almost certain that the required radio_ids.hpp was not included in the 0.9.2 Archive that i downloaded last night, or earlier today from http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23615.
  11. Task Force Radio Arrowhead error radio_ids.hpp not found I installed this mod correctly extracting the appropriate folders to their appropriate places, Upon start-up, the error Include file task_force_radio_items\radio_ids.hpp not found. is prompted. I have scoured through my hard drive and the archive(s) downloaded and there is no radio_ids.hpp to be found. This is very problematic because I use the In game Expansion menu and therefore I cannot even boot into game to disable the problem mod. Was this file left out of the latest .RAR? Is there an alternative location to acquire radio_ids.hpp?
  12. So the Plane does not move for me, I can interact with it fine but upon throttling the plane rocks slightly to the torque of the Engine(As if P brake was one) but I do not go anywhere. I cannot move forward AI has same issue however I have seen some in flight.
  13. ReZiNsky

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    The Invasion of Baghdad, an instance where American bombers and Artillery barraged a city full of civilian women and children with the population comparable to New York; a precursor to the 'War on Terror', it was called the 'Shock and Awe' campaign promising to "strike fear into the hearts of our enemies"......wait a second WE the U.S bombed a city to promote Shock and Awe? Hell, that sounds like.... Ter·ror·ism noun \ˈter-ər-ˌi-zəm\ : the use of violent acts to frighten the people in an area as a way of trying to achieve a political goal Sounds like a War OF Terrorism to me, It would appear that the the United States Military and Federal Government are guilty of the very Terrorism they are stated to be combating. With Baghdad in mind it can be strongly argued that the War on Terrorism and various domestic programs birthed from said war (NDAA, Posse Comitatus eradication etc.) have been done on a false and illegal premise and therefore are an Illegal and unjust conflict and unjust executive laws. We the People of the United States can no longer afford to be so ignorant as to blindly follow our Government's Ideologies when we are more so ignorant of the World's Ideologies that our government treads upon. Just because someone is Muslim does not mean they are Jihad, basic human rights trump any religious or political predisposition especially our own . We have no right to compel democracy on others and we have no business in the Middle East or Syria, no Honest business that is. -A Concerned Human
  14. Not sure how that can be, after installation I activated it in the Expansions tab of Configure on the main menu and restarted, otherwise this error wouldn't have popped up I would imagine. It is a little disconcerting using the in game expansion enabler in instances like this for I cannot even boot into game to disable this mod and get rid of the error.
  15. Include file task_force_radio_items\radio_ids.hpp not found So what was the fix in the end? I too am getting this error. I do not have any older arma files in fact when I scoured around I plain couldn't find this file anywhere. Downloads are not corrupt, and I followed the proper installation.
  16. Very nice! I have been looking for some civilian prop planes. I would love to see the Cessna 337 in the future, just a suggestion for yah -check out the Flightgear program, it is a free, open source Flight sim whose community has done excellent work on plane models and mechanics i always ponder what it would take to port over models and flight mechanics from said software to Arma 3, hell perhaps there are some Arma players in the FG community to streamline the process.