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10 Good

About AgnewFedaykin

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  1. What's stopping this from being used through the action menu instead of using a key?
  2. AgnewFedaykin

    United States Air Force

    Hey man sweet mod! I've been using them with my brother to construct some awesome missions. Btw nice to know there's some Air Force peeps modding in our assets. An currently stationed at Hickam so I know the feels of how awesome it is here even with the shitton of C-17s. Also thought I might throw this script I found out there for the people wanting to make some TACP/JTAC missions RUM Assets (/showthread.php?170983-RUM-Assets). Working on some AI AC-130 love from above on it for personal use. Whelp keep up the good work Airman! Your def getting a 5 on your EPR lol.:p