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About blfonsworth

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  1. A group I play with has put up a new Exile server and I've been running into an issue with the launcher and trying to get into the server. I'm having an issue iwth mods and with BE depending on which launcher I use. If I launch the game with the standard Arma Launcher, I can utilize both mods needed for the server, 'Exile' and 'Zombies and Demons' but BE kicks me with 'Exception #0". I have to create a new profile in Arma and re-connect every time I want to connect to the server with Arma Launcher. If I use A3L I do not get the BE error and am able to load into the server just fine, but, A3L doesn't recognize or support the zombie mod but still lets me load into the server, so zombies are invisible and silent and just kill me as soon as I stop walking for a few moments.
  2. blfonsworth

    CJTF101's EDITOR v1.1

    I put the @101_editor folder inside my main arma install and added -mod=@101_editor; to the launch options. This is the only way I know how to install a mod? How do I run it differently? I can see the extra editor stuff but I can't join any MP servers now, keeps telling me a I need a key? EDIT: Nevermind, I didn't know arma 3 had an expansions tab in-game to turn them on and off. Most install guides I find assume you know this :P
  3. blfonsworth

    CJTF101's EDITOR v1.1

    I downloaded the mod and it works great but it didn't come with the key and I can't get into any multiplayer servers?