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Posts posted by tomhighway

  1. Hi all.


    I can't figure out why the video intro I've made is interrupted in middle of playing. It works in preview window but when deployed on dedicated server it jumps out of video in the middle of playing it.


    This is init.sqf starting line.

    if (!isDedicated) then {
        intro_video = [] execVM "intro.sqf";
        waitUntil {scriptDone intro_video};

    intro.sqf is as below.

    cutText ["","BLACK FADED",2];
    0 fadeSound 0;
    0 fadeMusic 0;
    enableEnvironment false;
    enableRadio false;
    intro_done = false;
    sleep 2;
    private _video = ["video\treadstone-intro.ogv"] spawn BIS_fnc_playVideo;
    waitUntil {scriptDone _video};
    cutText ["","BLACK FADED",4];
    enableEnvironment true;
    enableRadio true;
    12 fadeSound 1;
    12 fadeMusic 1;
    sleep 4;
    cutText ["","BLACK IN",2];
    sleep 4;
    intro_done = true;

    The video starts playing but then in the middle it just goes back to player view like waitUntil {scriptDone _video} doesn't stop it from continuing. :(

  2. Hi all,


    I have a problem with deploying mission as addon. I have created a folder (@a3pro), and addons folder inside it. Then another subfolder in addons (@a3pro\addons\a3pro\) and then config.cpp inside. Then, I've put this in config.cpp

    class CfgPatches
    	class A3Pro
    		units[] = {};
    		weapons[] = {};
    		requiredVersion = 1.0;
    		requiredAddons[] = {};
    class CfgMissions
    	class MPMissions
    		class CrouchingTiger00
    			directory = "a3pro\crouching-tiger-00.Stratis";
    		class CrouchingTiger01
    			directory = "a3pro\crouching-tiger-01.Altis";

    I've created two missions and deployed them inside the @a3pro\addons\a3pro folder (as folders) named correctly as above crouching-tiger-00.Stratis and crouching-tiger-01.Altis.


    The issue is, when server is hosted on my machine - I can pick the mission. But when deployed on dedicated server, with addon added to the -mod parameter list, it doesn't show on mission list. Is it a dedicated server limitation?


    I've double checked mpmissions folder, it doesn't contain any pbo on my local machine.

  3. tomhighway: If players are in squads then the group (green channel) will separate them for clearer comms.


    Vanilla comms works ok with the various channels but it would be great to get at least some radio beeps/clicks.


    It would be fantastic to get a more comprehensive radio system option in vanilla too.


    The issue with channels are following: any soldier inside the unit (commander or no commander) can use the side channel. I can disable side channel for all (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext#disableChannels) or none at all. That violates the platoon structure as either squad leaders are unable to talk to each other or anyone on the side is able to talk.




    Sweet Lord, I've been playing the game for few years now and only now I've found out about Command channel (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Field_Manual_-_Multiplayer#Channels). That's exactly what we need.

  4. Hi,


    my buddies and me are trying to create a public server multiplayer game type and we've tried to trim the mod list to bare minimum. The problem is that even the tiniest difference in modset creates problem that basically makes people reluctant to join at all and give up early. We've brainstormed about it a lot and figured that the only solution to that is playing vanilla. But unfortunately, vanilla Arma is missing one very important feature - proper radio communications. Current VON in no shape or form satisfies any reasonable community and asking people to write down orders is ridiculous. ACRE2 or TFAR are examples of great radio communication mods that, IMHO, should be built in inside the game because without them, game is not playable, not in a way it was meant to be played.



    • Like 5

  5. Unfortunately, I was getting excited too early. It seems that createUnit calls the initialization of the module but with default options rendering the following setVariable calls useless in ACE 3 case.


    There is a telling warning in the .rpt log


    SetSetting [ace_captives_allowHandcuffOwnSide] Trying to set forced setting


    I am stuck. I don't know if there is a Bohemia function that is spawning the modules instead of createUnit. Help appreciated.

  6. Ok, I'm going to help out people following me.


    Here it is - I've dynamically added a ACE 3 sitting module by init.sqf. The essential thing is finding out the function name that has to be spawned (so the wiki says, modules are spawned, not called). You can do that in 3DEN by temporarily placing module in mission - right click on it and select Find in Config Viewer. Then look for value of the function attribute - that is module function name.

    _center = createCenter sideLogic;
    _group = createGroup _center;
    _pos = getPos player;
    module_sitting = _group createUnit ["ACE_ModuleSitting", _pos, [], 0, ""];
     * this is where you set the arguments of the module, name can be found out from config viewer
     * class Arguments
    module_sitting setVariable ["enable", true]; 
    // [name of the module, units that module is affecting, activated] spawn function_name;
    [module_sitting, [], true] spawn ace_sitting_fnc_moduleInit;
    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2

  7. I want to create a module (any module) dynamically in a script and change it's attributes on certain events. I've read that modules can be created like any other LOGIC object (example https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Artillery_Module#Frequently_Asked_Questions for artillery module) using createUnit, synchronizeObjectsAdd, synchronizeObjectsRemove.


    But is there a way to:

    1. set the module attributes upon creation
    2. change them later during course of the mission

    Thank you.
