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About sim100

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  1. I'm sorry for being stupid. I don't understand what is Wrong when I pack my map. This is my packing log: rapify x64UnicodeVersion 1.76, Dll 6.44 "config.cpp" Truncated file. Missing one or more};. Error starts near token 'CfgSurfaceCharacters' : In File error_island\config.cpp: Line 333 EOF encountered This is my config: class CfgPatches { class error_island { units[] = { "error_island" }; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1; requiredAddons[] = { "A3_Map_Stratis" }; }; }; class CfgWorldList { class error_island{}; }; class CfgWorlds { class Stratis; class error_island: Stratis { cutscenes[] = {}; description = "error_island"; worldName = "error_island\error_island.wrp"; author = "PMC"; pictureMap = "error_island\data\yourtag_yourproject_pictureMap.paa"; pictureShot = ""; newRoadsShape = ""; centerPosition[] = { 2560, 2560 }; ilsDirection[] = { 0, 0.08, 1 }; ilsPosition[] = { 0, 0 }; ilsTaxiIn[] = {}; ilsTaxiOff[] = {}; drawTaxiway = false; class SecondaryAirports{}; class ReplaceObjects{}; class Sounds { sounds[] = {}; }; class Animation { vehicles[] = {}; }; minTreesInForestSquare = 2; minRocksInRockSquare = 2; class Subdivision{}; class Names{}; }; }; class DefaultClutter; class Clutter { class Clutter { class error_island_c_Brush_Hard_EP1: DefaultClutter { model = "plants_f\clutter\error_island_c_Brush_Hard_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.0; swLighting = "false"; scaleMin = 0.3; scaleMax = 0.7; }; class error_island_c_Brush_Soft_EP1: DefaultClutter { model = "plants_f\clutter\error_island_c_Brush_Soft_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.0; swLighting = "false"; scaleMin = 0.3; scaleMax = 0.7; }; class error_island_c_Grass_desert_bunch_EP1: DefaultClutter { model = "Plants_F\Clutter\error_island_c_Grass_desert_bunch_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.0; swLighting = "false"; scaleMin = 0.3; scaleMax = 0.7; }; class error_island_c_grass_desert_EP1: DefaultClutter { model = "plants_f\Clutter\error_island_c_grass_desert_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.5; swLighting = "true"; scaleMin = 0.8; scaleMax = 1.2; }; class error_island_c_grass_desert_long_EP1: DefaultClutter { model = "plants_f\Clutter\error_island_c_grass_desert_long_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.65; swLighting = "true"; scaleMin = 0.65; scaleMax = 1.0; }; class error_island_c_GrassDesert_GroupSoft_EP1: DefaultClutter { model = "plants_f\Clutter\error_island_c_GrassDesert_GroupSoft_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.7; swLighting = "true"; scaleMin = 0.8; scaleMax = 1.0; }; class error_island_c_GrassDry_EP1: DefaultClutter { model = "plants_f\Clutter\error_island_c_GrassDry_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.3; swLighting = "true"; scaleMin = 0.9; scaleMax = 1.25; }; class error_island_c_GrassDryLong_EP1: DefaultClutter { model = "plants_f\Clutter\error_island_c_GrassDryLong_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.3; swLighting = "true"; scaleMin = 0.8; scaleMax = 1.2; }; class error_island_c_GrassGreen_AreaLowSoft_EP1: DefaultClutter { model = "plants_f\Clutter\error_island_c_GrassGreen_AreaLowSoft_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.35; swLighting = "true"; scaleMin = 0.7; scaleMax = 1.15; }; class error_island_c_GrassGreen_EP1: DefaultClutter { model = "plants_f\Clutter\error_island_c_GrassGreen_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.2; swLighting = "true"; scaleMin = 0.7; scaleMax = 1.1; }; class error_island_c_GrassGreen_GroupHard_EP1: DefaultClutter { model = "plants_f\Clutter\error_island_c_GrassGreen_GroupHard_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.3; swLighting = "false"; scaleMin = 0.3; scaleMax = 1.0; }; class error_island_c_GrassGreenLong_EP1: DefaultClutter { model = "plants_f\Clutter\error_island_c_GrassGreenLong_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.4; swLighting = "true"; scaleMin = 0.6; scaleMax = 1.0; }; class error_island_c_papaver_05_EP1: DefaultClutter { model = "plants_f\Clutter\error_island_c_papaver_05_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.35; swLighting = "true"; scaleMin = 0.7; scaleMax = 1.15; }; class error_island_c_papaver_06_EP1: DefaultClutter { model = "plants_f\Clutter\error_island_c_papaver_06_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.2; swLighting = "true"; scaleMin = 0.7; scaleMax = 1.1; }; }; class CfgSurfaces { class Default {}; class jf_tutorial_island_beach_co_Surface : Default { files = "jf_tutorial_island_beach_co*"; rough = 0.09; maxSpeedCoef = 0.9; dust = 0.5; soundEnviron = "dirt"; character = "Empty"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; lucidity = 1; grassCover = 0.03; }; class jf_tutorial_island_grass_green_co2_Surface : Default { files = "jf_tutorial_island_grass_green_co2_dry_grass_*"; rough = 0.08; maxSpeedCoef = 0.9; dust = 0.75; soundEnviron = "drygrass"; character = "Empty"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; lucidity = 2; grassCover = 0.1; }; class jf_tutorial_island_gravel_co_Surface : Default { files = "jf_tutorial_island_gravel_co_*"; rough = 0.12; maxSpeedCoef = 0.8; dust = 0.4; soundEnviron = "drygrass"; character = "Empty"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; lucidity = 3.5; grassCover = 0.04; }; class jf_tutorial_island_marsh_co_Surface : Default { files = "jf_tutorial_island_marsh_co_*"; rough = 0.08; maxSpeedCoef = 0.9; dust = 0.15; soundEnviron = "grass"; character = "Empty"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; lucidity = 4; grassCover = 0.05; }; class jf_tutorial_island_mud_co_Surface : Default { files = "jf_tutorial_island_mud_co_*"; rough = 0.09; maxSpeedCoef = 0.9; dust = 0.5; soundEnviron = "dirt"; character = "Empty"; soundHit = "hard_ground"; lucidity = 1; grassCover = 0.0; }; class jf_tutorial_island_rock_co_Surface : Default { files = "jf_tutorial_island_rock_co*"; rough = 0.09; maxSpeedCoef = 0.9; dust = 0.5; soundEnviron = "dirt"; character = "Empty"; soundHit = "hard_ground"; lucidity = 1; grassCover = 0.0; }; class jf_tutorial_island_seabed_co_Surface : Default { files = "jf_tutorial_island_seabed_co*"; rough = 0.09; maxSpeedCoef = 0.9; dust = 0.5; soundEnviron = "dirt"; character = "Empty"; soundHit = "hard_ground"; lucidity = 1; grassCover = 0.0; }; class jf_tutorial_island_strconcrete_co_Surface : Default { files = "jf_tutorial_island_strconcrete_co*"; rough = 0.09; maxSpeedCoef = 0.9; dust = 0.5; soundEnviron = "dirt"; character = "Empty"; soundHit = "hard_ground"; lucidity = 1; grassCover = 0.0; }; class jf_tutorial_island_strdrygrass_co_Surface : Default { files = "jf_tutorial_island_strdrygrass_co*"; rough = 0.09; maxSpeedCoef = 0.9; dust = 0.5; soundEnviron = "dirt"; character = "Empty"; soundHit = "hard_ground"; lucidity = 1; grassCover = 0.0; }; class jf_tutorial_island_strforest_pine_co_Surface : Default { files = "jf_tutorial_island_strforest_pine_co*"; rough = 0.09; maxSpeedCoef = 0.9; dust = 0.5; soundEnviron = "dirt"; character = "Empty"; soundHit = "hard_ground"; lucidity = 1; grassCover = 0.0; }; }; class CfgSurfaceCharacters { class error_island_forest_pine_Character { probability[] = {0.05,0.012,0.01,0.1,0.05}; names[] = {"error_island_c_papaver_flower01_EP1","error_island_c_Brush_Soft_EP1","error_island_c_Grass_desert_bunch_EP1","error_island_c_grass_desert_EP1","error_island_c_grass_desert_long_EP1","error_island_c_GrassDesert_GroupSoft_EP1"}; }; class error_island_green_grass_Character { probability[] = {0.92,0.07}; names[] = {"error_island_c_papaver_flower01_EP1","error_island_c_papaver_flower02_EP1","error_island_c_papaver_flower03_EP1","error_island_c_papaver_flower04_EP1","error_island_c_Plants_HightSingleDeath_EP1"}; }; class error_island_dry_grass_Character { probability[] = {0.21,0.35,0.21,0.09,0.06,0.02}; names[] = {"error_island_c_GrassDry_EP1","error_island_c_GrassDryLong_EP1","error_island_c_GrassGreen_AreaLowSoft_EP1","error_island_c_GrassGreen_EP1","error_island_c_GrassGreen_GroupHard_EP1","error_island_c_GrassGreenLong_EP1","error_island_c_papaver_05_EP1","error_island_c_papaver_06_EP1","error_island_c_papaver_07_EP1"}; }; }; My cfgClutter.hpp: class Clutter { class error_island_c_Brush_Hard_EP1: DefaultClutter { model = "plants_f\clutter\error_island_c_Brush_Hard_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.0; swLighting = "false"; scaleMin = 0.3; scaleMax = 0.7; }; class error_island_c_Brush_Soft_EP1: DefaultClutter { model = "plants_f\clutter\error_island_c_Brush_Soft_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.0; swLighting = "false"; scaleMin = 0.3; scaleMax = 0.7; }; class error_island_c_Grass_desert_bunch_EP1: DefaultClutter { model = "Plants_F\Clutter\error_island_c_Grass_desert_bunch_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.0; swLighting = "false"; scaleMin = 0.3; scaleMax = 0.7; }; class error_island_c_grass_desert_EP1: DefaultClutter { model = "plants_f\Clutter\error_island_c_grass_desert_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.5; swLighting = "true"; scaleMin = 0.8; scaleMax = 1.2; }; class error_island_c_grass_desert_long_EP1: DefaultClutter { model = "plants_f\Clutter\error_island_c_grass_desert_long_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.65; swLighting = "true"; scaleMin = 0.65; scaleMax = 1.0; }; class error_island_c_GrassDesert_GroupSoft_EP1: DefaultClutter { model = "plants_f\Clutter\error_island_c_GrassDesert_GroupSoft_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.7; swLighting = "true"; scaleMin = 0.8; scaleMax = 1.0; }; class error_island_c_GrassDry_EP1: DefaultClutter { model = "plants_f\Clutter\error_island_c_GrassDry_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.3; swLighting = "true"; scaleMin = 0.9; scaleMax = 1.25; }; class error_island_c_GrassDryLong_EP1: DefaultClutter { model = "plants_f\Clutter\error_island_c_GrassDryLong_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.3; swLighting = "true"; scaleMin = 0.8; scaleMax = 1.2; }; class error_island_c_GrassGreen_AreaLowSoft_EP1: DefaultClutter { model = "plants_f\Clutter\error_island_c_GrassGreen_AreaLowSoft_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.35; swLighting = "true"; scaleMin = 0.7; scaleMax = 1.15; }; class error_island_c_GrassGreen_EP1: DefaultClutter { model = "plants_f\Clutter\error_island_c_GrassGreen_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.2; swLighting = "true"; scaleMin = 0.7; scaleMax = 1.1; }; class error_island_c_GrassGreen_GroupHard_EP1: DefaultClutter { model = "plants_f\Clutter\error_island_c_GrassGreen_GroupHard_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.3; swLighting = "false"; scaleMin = 0.3; scaleMax = 1.0; }; class error_island_c_GrassGreenLong_EP1: DefaultClutter { model = "plants_f\Clutter\error_island_c_GrassGreenLong_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.4; swLighting = "true"; scaleMin = 0.6; scaleMax = 1.0; }; class error_island_c_papaver_05_EP1: DefaultClutter { model = "plants_f\Clutter\error_island_c_papaver_05_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.35; swLighting = "true"; scaleMin = 0.7; scaleMax = 1.15; }; class error_island_c_papaver_06_EP1: DefaultClutter { model = "plants_f\Clutter\error_island_c_papaver_06_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.2; swLighting = "true"; scaleMin = 0.7; scaleMax = 1.1; }; class error_island_c_GrassGreen_GroupHard_EP1: DefaultClutter { model = "plants_f\Clutter\error_island_c_GrassGreen_GroupHard_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.3; swLighting = "false"; scaleMin = 0.3; scaleMax = 1.0; }; class error_island_c_GrassGreenLong_EP1: DefaultClutter { model = "plants_f\Clutter\error_island_c_GrassGreenLong_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.4; swLighting = "true"; scaleMin = 0.6; scaleMax = 1.0; }; }; My cfgSurfaces.hpp: class CfgSurfaces { class Default {}; class jf_tutorial_island_beach_co_Surface : Default { files = "jf_tutorial_island_beach_co*"; rough = 0.09; maxSpeedCoef = 0.9; dust = 0.5; soundEnviron = "dirt"; character = "Empty"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; lucidity = 1; grassCover = 0.03; }; class jf_tutorial_island_grass_green_co2_Surface : Default { files = "jf_tutorial_island_grass_green_co2_dry_grass_*"; rough = 0.08; maxSpeedCoef = 0.9; dust = 0.75; soundEnviron = "drygrass"; character = "Empty"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; lucidity = 2; grassCover = 0.1; }; class jf_tutorial_island_gravel_co_Surface : Default { files = "jf_tutorial_island_gravel_co_*"; rough = 0.12; maxSpeedCoef = 0.8; dust = 0.4; soundEnviron = "drygrass"; character = "Empty"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; lucidity = 3.5; grassCover = 0.04; }; class jf_tutorial_island_marsh_co_Surface : Default { files = "jf_tutorial_island_marsh_co_*"; rough = 0.08; maxSpeedCoef = 0.9; dust = 0.15; soundEnviron = "grass"; character = "Empty"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; lucidity = 4; grassCover = 0.05; }; class jf_tutorial_island_mud_co_Surface : Default { files = "jf_tutorial_island_mud_co_*"; rough = 0.09; maxSpeedCoef = 0.9; dust = 0.5; soundEnviron = "dirt"; character = "Empty"; soundHit = "hard_ground"; lucidity = 1; grassCover = 0.0; }; class jf_tutorial_island_rock_co_Surface : Default { files = "jf_tutorial_island_rock_co*"; rough = 0.09; maxSpeedCoef = 0.9; dust = 0.5; soundEnviron = "dirt"; character = "Empty"; soundHit = "hard_ground"; lucidity = 1; grassCover = 0.0; }; class jf_tutorial_island_seabed_co_Surface : Default { files = "jf_tutorial_island_seabed_co*"; rough = 0.09; maxSpeedCoef = 0.9; dust = 0.5; soundEnviron = "dirt"; character = "Empty"; soundHit = "hard_ground"; lucidity = 1; grassCover = 0.0; }; class jf_tutorial_island_strconcrete_co_Surface : Default { files = "jf_tutorial_island_strconcrete_co*"; rough = 0.09; maxSpeedCoef = 0.9; dust = 0.5; soundEnviron = "dirt"; character = "Empty"; soundHit = "hard_ground"; lucidity = 1; grassCover = 0.0; }; class jf_tutorial_island_strdrygrass_co_Surface : Default { files = "jf_tutorial_island_strdrygrass_co*"; rough = 0.09; maxSpeedCoef = 0.9; dust = 0.5; soundEnviron = "dirt"; character = "Empty"; soundHit = "hard_ground"; lucidity = 1; grassCover = 0.0; }; class jf_tutorial_island_strforest_pine_co_Surface : Default { files = "jf_tutorial_island_strforest_pine_co*"; rough = 0.09; maxSpeedCoef = 0.9; dust = 0.5; soundEnviron = "dirt"; character = "Empty"; soundHit = "hard_ground"; lucidity = 1; grassCover = 0.0; }; }; class CfgSurfaceCharacters { class error_island_forest_pine_Character { probability[] = {0.05,0.012,0.01,0.1,0.05}; names[] = {"error_island_c_papaver_flower01_EP1","error_island_c_Brush_Soft_EP1","error_island_c_Grass_desert_bunch_EP1","error_island_c_grass_desert_EP1","error_island_c_grass_desert_long_EP1","error_island_c_GrassDesert_GroupSoft_EP1}; }; class error_island_green_grass_Character { probability[] = {0.92,0.07}; names[] = {"error_island_c_papaver_flower01_EP1","error_island_c_papaver_flower02_EP1","error_island_c_papaver_flower03_EP1","error_island_c_papaver_flower04_EP1","error_island_c_Plants_HightSingleDeath_EP1}; }; class error_island_dry_grass_Character { probability[] = {0.21,0.35,0.21,0.09,0.06,0.02}; names[] = {"error_island_c_GrassDry_EP1","error_island_c_GrassDryLong_EP1","error_island_c_GrassGreen_AreaLowSoft_EP1","error_island_c_GrassGreen_EP1","error_island_c_GrassGreen_GroupHard_EP1","error_island_c_GrassGreenLong_EP1","error_island_c_papaver_05_EP1","error_island_c_papaver_06_EP1","error_island_c_papaver_07_EP1","}; };c_ }; My layers.cfg: class layers { class jf_tutorial_island_rock_co { texture = #(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt); material = "error_island\data\jf_tutorial_island_rock.rvmat"; }; class jf_tutorial_island_beach_co { texture = #(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt); material = "error_island\data\jf_tutorial_island_beach.rvmat"; }; class jf_tutorial_island_strconcrete_co { texture = #(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt); material = "error_island\data\jf_tutorial_island_strconcrete.rvmat"; }; class jf_tutorial_island_grass_green_co2 { texture = #(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt); material = "error_island\data\jf_tutorial_island_grass_green_co2.rvmat"; }; class jf_tutorial_island_marsh_co { texture = #(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt); material = "error_island\data\jf_tutorial_island_marsh.rvmat"; }; class jf_tutorial_island_seabed_co { texture = #(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt); material = "error_island\data\jf_tutorial_island_seabed.rvmat"; }; class jf_tutorial_island_gravel_co { texture = #(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt); material = "error_island\data\jf_tutorial_island_gravel.rvmat"; }; class jf_tutorial_island_strforest_pine_co { texture = #(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt); material = "error_island\data\jf_tutorial_island_strforest_pine.rvmat"; }; class jf_tutorial_island_strdrygrass_co { texture = #(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt); material = "error_island\data\jf_tutorial_island_strdrygrass.rvmat"; }; class jf_tutorial_island_mud_co { texture = #(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt); material = "error_island\data\jf_tutorial_island_mud.rvmat"; }; }; class legend { picture="error_island\source\maplegend.png"; class colors { jf_tutorial_island_rock_co[]={{0,0,255}}; jf_tutorial_island_gravel_co[]={{0,110,0}}; jf_tutorial_island_beach_co[]={{255,255,0}}; jf_tutorial_island_strconcrete_co[]={{0,255,255}}; jf_tutorial_island_grass_green_co2[]={{0,255,0}}; jf_tutorial_island_marsh_co[]={{127,0,0}}; jf_tutorial_island_seabed_co[]={{0,0,150}}; jf_tutorial_island_strforest_pine_co[]={{0,100,0}}; jf_tutorial_island_strdrygrass_co[]={{0,0,150}}; jf_tutorial_island_mud_co[]={{110,0,0}}; }; };
  2. sim100

    source file cannot be opened

    This is what it looks like inside https://ibb.co/hbWS8b
  3. When i'm in the terrain editor and click ok, it says source file cannot be opened This is what it looks like in terrain builder when I click on ok? https://ibb.co/fRag1w and this comes up when I click on connect to bulldozer https://ibb.co/b7m5db My rvmats; https://ibb.co/grXYEG Here is my mask image https://1drv.ms/i/s!AqT5_N1x9vV8glQVu7CBGbPhvmIW and here is my satellite bmp https://1drv.ms/i/s!AqT5_N1x9vV8glcpzD1lUcP9zxzg My Layers cfg: class layers { class jf_tutorial_island_rock_co { texture = #(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt); material = "jf_tutorial_island\data\jf_tutorial_island_rock.rvmat"; }; class jf_tutorial_island_beach_co { texture = #(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt); material = "jf_tutorial_island\data\jf_tutorial_island_beach.rvmat"; }; class jf_tutorial_island_strconcrete_co { texture = #(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt); material = "jf_tutorial_island\data\jf_tutorial_island_strconcrete.rvmat"; }; class jf_tutorial_island_grass_green_co2 { texture = #(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt); material = "jf_tutorial_island\data\jf_tutorial_island_grass_green_co2.rvmat"; }; class jf_tutorial_island_marsh_co { texture = #(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt); material = "jf_tutorial_island\data\jf_tutorial_island_marsh.rvmat"; }; class jf_tutorial_island_seabed_co { texture = #(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt); material = "jf_tutorial_island\data\jf_tutorial_island_seabed.rvmat"; }; class jf_tutorial_island_gravel_co { texture = #(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt); material = "jf_tutorial_island\data\jf_tutorial_island_gravel.rvmat"; }; class jf_tutorial_island_strforest_pine_co { texture = #(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt); material = "jf_tutorial_island\data\jf_tutorial_island_strforest_pine.rvmat"; }; class jf_tutorial_island_mud_co { texture = #(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt); material = "jf_tutorial_island\data\jf_tutorial_island_mud.rvmat"; }; class jf_tutorial_island_strdrygrass_co { texture = #(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt); material = "jf_tutorial_island\data\jf_tutorial_island_strdrygrass.rvmat"; }; }; class legend { picture="a3\jf_tutorial_island\source\maplegend.png"; class colors { jf_tutorial_island_rock_co[]={{0,0,255}}; jf_tutorial_island_gravel_co[]={{0,110,0}}; jf_tutorial_island_beach_co[]={{255,255,0}}; jf_tutorial_island_strconcrete_co[]={{0,255,255}}; jf_tutorial_island_grass_green_co2[]={{0,255,0}}; jf_tutorial_island_marsh_co[]={{127,0,0}}; jf_tutorial_island_seabed_co[]={{0,0,150}}; jf_tutorial_island_strforest_pine_co[]={{0,100,0}}; jf_tutorial_island_mud_co[]={{110,0,0}}; jf_tutorial_island_strdrygrass_co[]={{0,115,0}}; }; };